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Forty nine. Depending on context that can mean a bunch of different things. 49 jerseys are a lot, 49 centimeters are not. But 49 years, that's a long time. For a once great organization such as the Blackhawks who had greats like Bobby Hull or Jeremy Roenik, going 49 years without a championship is a little crazy. You kind of get that "what do we have to do to win around here" feeling once you see all the greats who have came and gone yet left empty handed. But all those years of coming close lead up to one moment. One great sequence of events that is the end of a drought and a start of a dynasty.

After the flyers tie the game late in game six we head to over time in Philadelphia with the cup on the line. There are so many possibilities of things going a bunch of different ways my brain hurts trying to figure out how this game would end. I mean if it will end. I look up into the stands to the few red and white jerseys in a little bubble across from the goal line. Four of them were my parents, my girlfriend, and my adopted son. I see Maisie talk to my dad as jack sits on his shoulders. My mom looked worried sick, she always did when I played. But I knew that somehow, someway, we were going to be just fine.

There was a lot on the line here, if we win I will be the 25th hockey player in the triple gold club, and the youngest one. I could win the conn smyth for playoff MVP and be the youngest captain to win that and the cup. I had a twelve game point streak coming into the finals and the Hawks had a record for consecutive post season away games won. There are a lot of accolades on the line here for this young team. But many of us wanted to win then and keep winning.

We start the over time period and I was praying for a miracle. Something to go our way so I can stop hearing about 49 years. Sure it's not 102 like the other Chicago team but still, I'm only 22 so those years mean nothing to me. I watch as Soupy places the puck on Patrick's tape after cycling the puck. He pauses for a second checking his options before shaking the defender with a few stick handles then heading to the blue line. He shoots the puck towards the net and it becomes lost, like it disappeared in thin air. We all stop and try to figure out where the puck is, there was no whistle or goal light but no sigh of the puck still being in play either. Patrick skates down the ice throwing his things off and jumping into Niemi and the boys chase after him. Everyone stood stunned because the puck was actually gone.

"It's over" Patrick yells and we skeptically jump the boards. Well if the only guy who knows where the puck is says it's in the net then it has to be true, right? After celebrating a little I skate over to the net as the linesmen look around. They lift the net and a little puck was just chilling on the ice under the netting. I skate back to my team and we all celebrate knowing it was actually over. For the first time in nearly half a century the Blackhawks were victorious once again.

"This is crazy" Patrick yells skating over to me as we let it sink in.

"I've never wanted to kiss you so bad in my life" I joke.

"Please don't" he laughs.

"Can you believe it" I ask looking at the stunned crowd. The Blackhawk fans were elated and flyers face still processing what just took place here.

"Yeah... yeah I can. I could feel it. This was our year, all the things we said we were going to do, we did it" he smiles.

"We did it" I repeat. They start setting up for trophies and we shake each other's hand. I tell them that they played tough and did a good job, because they really did. They were a goal away from game seven at the united center. But we pulled it off. They hand out Stanley cup champion hats and we all congregate at center ice.

"You're gonna get MVP" Kaner says randomly.

"It should be you" I admit.

"It's gonna be you. You had a hat trick and the longest post season point streak in Hawks history. You're the second youngest captain ever to win this thing and had 29 points. It's you" he says messing with my hat. A second later they call my name and he gives me a "I told you" look before pushing me to the trophy. I pick it up and return to him letting him know he deserved it too. Then I look up into the seats to see Jackson pressed up against the glass watching me intently. His smile was huge as I catch his stare and he waves. I wave back before setting that trophy down and getting to what really mattered. I've always dreamt up of what it would feel like to lift this thing above my head. To kiss it and see the reflection of all my hard work in the shiny silver. I get a good grip on the cup before pulling it high above me. My teammates cheer as I let them know who won this thing. It was our team, our staff, our fans, the alumni, everyone who supported the Indian head, this was for them. It was the greatest feeling in the world. I turned to Hossa who had been here twice before but never got to lift the trophy. I pass it off and encourage him to skate around with it. I watch as he lets out a roar, one he's been keeping in for three years now. He was a freak of nature, but there's no one else I would rather have with us.

Eventually they let family down and I find mine quickly. Jackson was trying to find traction as Maisie held his hand just sliding across the ice. My parents congratulate me but was way more interested in the trophies. They were pretty cool. Jackson falls into my arms and I place him on my hip.

"You won" he cheers.

"Yeah we did" I laugh. Kind of a obvious statement but still ice to hear.

"Now what" he asks and I look to Maisie.

"This is just the beginning my good man. I'm going to take you and your mommy home and we're going to have a great time. Then we start all over to do it again next year" I explain.

"But you won. Aren't you happy" he asks.

"I'm more than that. Words can't explain how happy I am right now. But none of that matters if when this is all over I have no one to come home to. And I do and I'm really happy it's you guys" I say pulling Maisie into a hug. I place a kiss on her lips as Jackson makes weird noises. We take a bunch of pictures and I retreat to the locker room to celebrate with the boys. Nothing felt better than that cool champagne washing away all the doubt and negativity. We just did that, and we want to do it again.

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