Lil' Mama

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As September rolls around my quiet simple life is flipped upside down. The guys start training for the season, events come back to the United Center meaning I'm back to taking pictures, the wedding is in nine months and I have to start looking at dresses and actually plan it. School started back up and my little first grader is growing every day. He turns seven next month and holy hell he's getting old. I can't believe it. Little Evie is four months and is just loving life. All she knows is that Jon, Jackson, and I love her and I wouldn't have it any other way. Now if I can get Patrick to stop calling her Lil' Mama that would be great. But he is obsessed with her too and I hope him and Emma will have a kid of their own, if he ever gets the balls to pop the question that is. But as for today I was dress shopping with Nicole, Emma, and Jonny's mom and I was ready for it to be over.

We find a dress shop downtown and settle there today. I wasn't sure what to look for or what I wanted. When most little girls planned their wedding I was planning my funeral. I really never thought I would be here, surrounded by the people who care about me most, helping me marry the man I love. I'm sure I would get emotional during this at some time but I'll be fine. Everyone picks out three or four dresses and pushes me into a stall with them.

"I've always wanted a daughter" Andreé starts, clapping her hands together.

"I've always wanted a real mom" I say back and it goes quiet.

"It was a joke guys..." I trail off and I hear them snicker causing me to roll my eyes. I try on about nine dresses before I'm already over all this. They were all nice but nothing special.

"Do I have to keep going, me feet hurt" I whine.

"They boys won't be back with the kids yet so you might as well. There's only one or two left anyway" Emma says and I let out a sigh. There was one dress left and I pick it up. It didn't look like something I would wear but I put it on anyway. Once I got it on I look in the mirror and my hands shoot up to my mouth. It was breathtaking. It was a strapless dress with a lace long sleeved top. It was fitted in the bust and flowed at the bottom. There was a light pattern of lace from the top down to the bottom thicker at the bottom matching the pattern at the top and I was obsessed with it. The back was open and it fit perfectly. I walk out and everyone stops talking. It goes silence as I make my way to the little stage.

"Maisie... wow" Emma whispers and I nod.

"I know, it's beautiful" I admit.

"You're so beautiful" Nicole says and I roll my eyes. I look back at my reflection and smile big. I cant believe this right now.

"Is this the dress" she asks.

"Yeah, I think it is" I admit turning to the mirror in front of me. I look at my reflection and notice something different. It looks like there's a little more life in me and my smile pulled just a little tighter. It was finally all coming together, and even though I never envisioned this like most little girls, it's still a really cool moment.

"Stop crying, you're making me cry" Nicole says wiping at her tears.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm just so happy. This is a moment that at one point in my life I believed would never happen. I thought I would never find someone who loves me the way Jon does, but here I am. Standing in a dress that will symbolize us starting the rest of our lives together forever. It's just so surreal" I admit. The girls all get up and give me a hug and I felt at home in their arms. These are people I wouldn't have known otherwise, but I'm so thankful to have them.

I go to pay for the dress but Andreé cuts in front of me and swipes her card.

"What was that for" I ask.

"Because I don't know a lot about your past, but I know it was hard. I'm a big believer that life shouldn't be harder than it needs to be, so to help out I wanted to get your dress. Jonathan told me you would never let me pay for it if I asked so I just did it this way" she shrugs.

"You're the best" I smile and she smiles back. I return home to see Jon laying on the floor with Jackson and Everly.

"What are you doing" I laugh setting my stuff down.

"Jackson and I noticed how much Everly loved doing this and wanted to see what the hype is about" Jon informs me playing with her curly hair.

"I don't get it" Jackson says causing me to laugh. They all get up and we get ready for tonight's game. Nicole comes over and we leave after much convincing.

"I hate that we're treating Nicole like a nanny" Jon says.

"I do too. We should do something for her and Michael or something" I suggest.

"Yeah, maybe make them a dinner or bring them to a game" he says.

"I think they would love that" I smile. I sit with Jon and talk until everyone gets here. Even though we live and work together I never get tired of talking to him. His just such a genuine person I never run out of things to talk about.

"How's my favorite couple" Patrick chirps coming over to us.

"Patrick" we both say at the same time causing him to stop.

"That's creepy trippy. Even for you two" he says putting his stuff in his stall and I shrug.

"We get each other" I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"How's Lil Mama" he asks.

"Please stop calling her that. She's already a diva princess, I don't need a sassy diva princess. That seems like a bit much" I laugh.

"I hate to tell you this, but she's a Lil Mama" he claims.

"Whatever you say. She's good, she's starting to cry when we leave now which is ripping my heart out but besides that it's all hunky dory" I reply and he nods.

"So I have some news" he says and I raise a eyebrow at him.

"Yeah? And what would that be" I ask crossing my arms. This should be good.

"I purposed to Emma last night and it was kind a spur of the moment thing but I've had the ring for a while and already talked to her parents but now we're engaged and I'm really happy and please don't hit me" he spits out in one breath as Jon and I's eyes grow big.

"What. The. Fuck" I say and he gives me a cheesy grin.

"I wanted to talk to you first but it just came out. She was talking about your pretty wedding dresses and one thing led to another and now we're getting married" he explains. I punch his arm hard and he lets out a grunt.

"Yeah, she told me you would do that" he groans rubbing his arm.

"Yeah because she's my best friend and she knows me well. And you're my best friend too and I imagined you would have told me about this too but apparently that slipped your tiny little mind" I yell.

"Are you done" he asks and I smile.

"Yeah, congratulations I'm so happy for you! I can't wait for you two to get married and start a family of your own. I'm so excited" I say giving him a hug.

"What the hell just happened" he asks.

"She's a complicated girl, I don't know what to tell you" Jon says behind me. I let him go and let the boys warm up. I grab my camera and find my seat and watch as they take the ice for warm ups. I look through my lens and see Jonathan smile at me through the camera. I snap the picture and remind myself to find that one later, because like him, that one is a keeper.

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