Wouldn't Change a Thing

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After defeating the Preds in the first round of the playoffs I had time off to celebrate my birthday before taking on the Canucks in the second round. We've been playing good hockey as of late and I loved having Maisie and Jackson around, life was pretty great. Away games are hard when she's not there but I knew she was still watching, cheering me on from home. I'm hoping to be playing hockey for a few more weeks so hopefully we can get her and Jackson out to a away game. Nothing was like the United Center but our fans still traveled well, I think they would enjoy it. For the first time since New Years I was able to chill at home and just spend the day with Jackson and Maisie doing whatever we wanted. 22 isn't anything really special, nothing much changes and I've been so busy I almost forgot it was my birthday today. But it's a beautiful day and I wanted a reason to celebrate it. I meet Maisie and Jackson at the Pier as we walk to the beach to soak up the warm Chicago weather. Well, warmer. I know hockey is a winter sport but being in season during warm weather is pretty nice too. Maisie sets out blankets over the sand before covering Jackson in six layers of sunscreen. He doesn't complain but I feel like he is used to it now.

"Hey now... save some for me" I joke and she flips me off. Jackson tightens his Iron Man swim trunks before trying to run into the water without caution.

"Woah there buddy. You can't get in the water unless Jonathan or I am with you" she says.

"Dad can we play in the water" he asks with those impossibly blue eyes. I swear those things will be the death of me.

"Of course little man" I smile and he lights up. I remove my cap and top before grabbing Jacksons hand and taking him to the water. It was cold at first but it was relaxing after a while, once the water hits my waist I stop. I take a good look around at where I was. Surrounded by tall buildings and dreams in the middle of one of the prettiest places in the world with a kid who I put my heart and soul into and a girl that reminds me every day that true beauty is real. This city, this life, it all seems so unreal. And usually on my birthday there's at least one thing I can think of that I wanted. But I couldn't think of a single thing. I had a good team, a good girl, a good kid, and a good life. What more could I have?

"Can I ask a question" Jackson asks and I pick him up so he didn't have to struggle to reach the bottom.

"Yeah bud, what's up" I wonder.

"Are you going to marry mommy" he asks and I laugh. If only it were that easy.

"I want to. What do you think" I wonder.

"You should... right now" he says completely serious.

"There's a lot going on right now" I laugh.

"Right. But you are going to marry her right" he asks again.

"Yeah Jack Attack, I am. We're going to have a nice wedding and you're going to be the ring bearer. She's going to look beautiful in any dress she chooses because she always looks stunning. Her long black hair will be done up and that smile will light up the room. I'm probably going to cry but that's okay, everyone cries every once in a while. Then we will be one big happy family" I say as he hangs on every word.

"I can't wait" he cheers happily.

"Me either little man, me either." Eventually Maisie joins us in the water and I nearly lose control right then and there. She wore a simple white bikini making her tan skin sparkle in the Chicago sun. Her wavy hair reached her lower back as a pair of sunglasses sit on top of her head. I watch as she strutted over to us and every muscle on her body tenses. She tosses me a beach ball breaking my stare causing me to laugh.

"Alright birthday boy, what do you say to a nice and kind game of beach volleyball" she challenges. Her bright eyes search me as mine did the same to her.

"I'd say... bring it."

After splashing around and playing with the ball we decided to get dressed and head to the pier for lunch. We get to the top layer of the pier and chow down on hot dogs and churros. Jackson sits on top of the table as we look over the city. It felt nice to get away from hockey for a little.

"I want to go to Disney world" Jackson says randomly causing us to laugh.

"Really" I ask.

"Yeah. I want to eat cotton candy and ride rides and meet Mickey Mouse" he claims.

"Where did you get that idea from" Maisie wonders.

"Amanda from school" he replies.

"Ohhh you're talking to girls now" I tease.

"No way! Girls are icky" he claims making me laugh.

"Heyyyyy" Maisie whines crossing her arms over her chest.

"You're a mommy, that's different" he says and her face drops. I know that's not what she wanted to hear.

"Yeah" she whispers.

"How about we go to Disney World soon" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Really" he asks and I nod. I've never been and I know for a fact Maisie hasn't either. They've never been on vacation before so that would be fun for us to do together. We pack our things up before heading to my place for cake and ice cream.

"Make a wish" Maisie says before I close my eyes and blow out the candles on the cake. I watch Jackson destroy a piece of cake while Maisie takes pictures. She laughs when it gets everywhere before cleaning it up and grabbing herself a piece.

"What did you wish for" she wonders.

"I didn't wish for anything. I wouldn't change a single thing right now" I say wrapping my arm around her and she looks up at me.

"Yeah" she asks.

"Yeah" I smile.

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