This Crazy Life

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Everly's birthday fell right in the middle of the Wild series so we didn't get to hold a party on her actual birthday. Luckily the boys handled them easily in five games and there was a little break before the Kings series so we could do something for her.

What I've learned is that planning a birthday party for a two year old is hard. All I know is that she loves talking, never about anything, just piecing together the words she knows trying to make sense of eBay's happening. Since it was so nice outside we decided to go to the park and throw a party there. It mostly consisted of the guys from the team and their families since they were still going, Nicole and Michael were able to make it out, Jons parents, and even my old therapist Logan and her husband attend. We had a table with cake and other little snacks set out for people to snack on, you always have to take into consideration hockey appetites. It was pretty warm so nothing that could melt, not like Jon would let me put out anything unhealthy anyways. Everly was waddling around with the help of whoever was willing to give it as I sit back with Emma watching people talk amongst themselves.

"You ready to get married soon" I ask her.

"I hope so. His sisters have been driving us crazy with all these crazy ideas and extravagant plans. At this time we're considering running away to Vegas and getting hitched" she laughs.

"Wow, sounds rough. I promise everything will work out, it always does" I assure her.

"How have you been doing? You've got to be busy with Jon and Everly's birthday less than a week apart and his parents in town and playoffs and taking Sam in and oh my god you're crazy" she says trying to catch her breath after listing off my life from the past few weeks.

"That is my crazy life, I run on about six hours of sleep and can't stay in one place for more than two minutes before having to be something else, but I wouldn't change a thing. Having Sam around is like having another caretaker, he's about to turn nine and has more respect and responsibility in his eight year old body than most kids in college. He had to grow up fast, but I'm not so sure its such a bad thing. Jon's parents are the parents I wish I could have had, I could talk to Andreé for hours and Bryan just wants more and more grandkids. But trust me when I say we're done with that. Everything seems to work itself out around our house. Then at the end of the night Jon wraps his arms around me and I know that this crazy life is so worth it" I sigh.

"You make living with a hockey player and kids sound... fun. You've got to be a magician or something" she claims.

"Not a magician, just optimistic. For the longest time I could only dream about being this happy, yet here I am. My baby girl is 2 years old and I get to celebrate something bigger than myself surrounded by the best people around town. My life isn't easy, but it's beautiful" I admit.

We watch as Everly tears into her presents which was a bunch of Hawks stuff from the guys. I guess I don't have to worry about her liking hockey because she doesn't have much of a choice. We get the gifts into our car and pass out cake, as long as Q doesn't find out we should be fine. I thank everyone for coming out and wish them luck to wherever they were going to next.

After it was all said and done we decided to head to the zoo, Everly loved the animals and will love to see the monkeys. They were her favorite after all. I load up the stroller with the kids and diaper bag and we all walk around the zoo. Jon latches his arm around my waist as his step matches mine. We find the ice cream parlor there and grab a cone before seeing the animals.

"Monkeys, monkeys, monkeys" Everly cheers from the stroller with her face just covered in mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Yeah sweetie, we're gonna see the monkeys" I assure her from behind the stroller and she claps her hands together. We arrive at the monkey cage and Jon takes her out of the stroller and up to the front. One of the monkeys come down and sit on a branch right in front of them, I thought she was going to pass out. Sam and Jackson join them as they freak out over the monkeys. I have to admit they are really cute.

"You got a tight little group huh" Bryan asks from beside me. I pick Mason up and give him a teething ring before he started to get fussy. Where Everly was a hyperactive and outgoing baby, Mason was so laid back and content. I loved it, we had the best of both worlds.

"Yeah, it's not perfect but it's perfect for me" I admit.

"You know, when you guys first started dating Jon would call us every day and just go on and on about you. He wouldn't even bring up hockey anymore because he wanted us to know you were strong and smart and determined. He would talk about having a family with you and your future together. I've never seen a guy so lovestruck in my time here on this earth. He had his life figured out since he was four. Then he met you and he let that all that go, I knew you had to be something special to make him do that. Now look at you guys, you've been through it all. A Stanley cup, a gold medal, the lockout, kids, a wedding, you're only 25 and seem like you have it all figured out. That's pretty cool" he says. I feel tears form in my eyes but push them back.

"Thanks Bryan. That means a lot coming from you" I smile.

"Any time kid. Now... do you think they're gonna win the cup again this year" he asks with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"Well yeah. Look at them go right now. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, the whole lockout and dominating few months they had. That has to mean something, and I think it means a cup" I shrug. He nods and we join them all looking at the monkeys.

"Come one little monkey, lets go see the other animals" Jon says before kissing Everly's cheek. We walk around and enjoy this May weather as much as we could. It was no secret that the Hawks were in the playoffs. The town was painted red and no one was complaining. There was something big happening and everyone could feel it.

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