True Love

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Today was the day of the baby shower and Emma did a great job of decorating the place. There were pink and gold streamers lining the living room ceiling and a beautiful pink cake covered in gold. Balloons were tied to the island drawing people in to the food and drinks. There was even adult sized baby bottles with pink lemonade in it. Everything looked super good and I was impressed. I walk around and say hi to everyone and welcome to the house. A lot of them haven't been to the new place, I wanted to change that soon. We could host parties and get together show and I couldn't be more excited about that.

Maisie is a little over six months pregnant now and it's getting more and more real this baby is coming. We had just finished the nursery and was just starting to get things baby proofed. Everything was starting to come together and I find myself smiling more often that now. Jackson hand no clue as to what was going on, all he knew was he got to paint and he going to be a big brother soon. Innocence is great.

"How are you doing" I ask Maisie as I try to relax her by massaging her muscles. She was wearing a beautiful white maternity dress with lace sleeves. She wasn't all that big yet but you could tell she was pregnant. Her long black hair was curled and she looked just as amazing as the first day I saw her.

"I'm good" she smiles and I nod. That's nice to hear. As more people start arriving I find myself trailing her like a dog. I didn't want anyone to ask the wrong questions or stress her out. I know I can't always protect her but it doesn't hurt to try. I was in full father mode and the baby hadn't even been born yet.

"Jonathan, I swear I'm fine. I get what you're doing, and I appreciate it, but you can't protect me from everything. A bunch of your friends are here too, you should go talk to them" she says softly while rubbing my arm.

"I don't know..." I trail off.

"I'm the one in this relationship that worries about everything. You're the one that's relaxed and cool" she giggles.

"I know. I just don't have a lot of control over this and it's freaking me out" I admit.

"I promise I will tell you anything you need to know, just like you would for me. Now go mingle" she ecourages giving me a kiss and going to hang out with some of the guys' significant others. I walk over to Hammer, Soupy, and Hossa and decide to talk to them.

"So a girl... you ready for that" Hossa asks with a smirk.

"Absolutely not" I laugh.

"If she looks anything like her mother I'll pray for you" Bolly says patting my back.

"Thanks Dave, really helpful" I reply dryly. I would be lying if that thought hasn't passed my mind before, but he really wasn't helping.

"Hey, just trying to prepare you. I mean Jackson was already awesome so you didn't have to raise him. He came into your life ready to change it. Something about that kid is so likable..." he trails off and Soupy hits the back of his head.

"Don't listen to them, parenting is instinctual. Maisie has done this before and you are already a great dad. You'll be fine. Insane, but fine" Soupy assures me. We get off the topic of babies before I lost my mind and turned to talking about the wedding. There wasn't much to talk about because we've both been so crazy busy and haven't had the time to sit down and talk about it.

"I can't believe the two most popular young guns in Chicago have girlfriends and are being responsible figures to little kids" Bolland says.

"Patrick is not a responsible father figure. I found out he fed Jackson ice cream and brownies for dinner, multiple times" I laugh.

"Okay... you're a responsible dad" he laughs.

"It wasn't always like that. It took Maisie yelling at me at least a hundred times to know how to properly dress the boy. She finally caught on that I was just letting him wear the same jeans three days in a row and she still gives me a hard time about it" I say shaking my head.

"Well if you can lead a team of grown men you can be a dad" Hossa says.

"Thanks... I think" I laugh. Maisie and I open presents and it was weird to see not iron man or hockey related things come out of boxes. Jackson still helps us open the presents and still gets excited. He might be more excited than anyone. We get tons of clothes and other weird things for the baby and her room. But it was actually a lot of help because I wouldn't have thought to buy half of this. After everyone leaves we thank Emma a million times and put all the things in the babies room. The drawers get filled quickly and there were already stuffed animals everywhere. We were stocked up on diapers and wipes and anything else for a poop problem. We have more than enough cloths and blankets to keep the baby warm. We were finally ready.

"Great, now all we need is the baby" she giggles.

"Yes, and I cannot wait" I admit wrapping my arms around her waist and her fingers grip the back of my shirt.

"I love you a lot. You know that right" she asks.

"Of course" I smile and she smiles back. I take a good look at her and take her all in. Her perfect teeth complimented by those plump pink lips. The little dimple in her cheek that only shows when she's looking at me or Jackson. Her hair that is always crazy but always beautiful. Those eyes that always see the best in me, even when I don't. To put it simply, she was beautiful. But to me it was much more than that. It was true love.

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