End of a Era

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Some things in this world just happen, no real explanation to why it's that way. We just know that's the way it is. The grass is green, the sky is blue, we need oxygen to breath. All that's a given. Just like the fact that the Red Wings and the Blackhawks hate each other. It's been like that since the beginning of time, Detroit vs Chicago, Wings vs Hawks, and 2013 is the elevation of this rivalry but also the end of it. After this season the wings will be leaving the central division and western conference ending a long and tenured conflict between the two. From the beginning of time they hated each other and this series was all the history put into one. I was kind of sad to see it end, I've seen a lot of fun and intense games in my four years working here and a lifetime as a fan. I'm gonna miss it.

Of course this epic series wasn't going to end without a game seven at the United center. After falling 3-1 in the series the Hawks were able to force a game seven and no one really doubted we would win tonight. It's a side effect of this confidence the boys have knowing that when they need it the most, they'll have it. I get to the UC early so Jon can go to his meeting, his parents would bring the kids later so I had some alone time for once. I adjust my camera settings and help lay out rally towels on the seats while I wait for Jon to get done. I take a second and stop in the tunnel to look around and take it this atmosphere. This history.

"It's cool, isn't it" a voice says and I'm snapped out of a day dream. I turn to see a guy come stand next to me and look out over the ice. He was pretty cute but he was not Jonathan Toews.

"It's great" I admit.

"You work here" he asks and I try to stifle my laughter.

"Yeah, I'm here a lot" I smile. I don't go around town telling everyone I'm married to the greatest Captain of our time, but it feels like this is where the conversation is heading.

"My names Gustav Nyquist, what's yours" he asks.

"Maisie Toews" I reply and his eyes grow big.

"As in... the Jonathan Toews" he asks a bit shocked.

"He is my husband, father to my children, and my best friend. That's him" I nod.

"Woah, how old are you guys" he wonders.

"25" I reply and he nods.

"I heard he got hitched but I didn't know he married up" he smiles and I roll my eyes. Are all hockey players supposed to be smooth talkers? After listening to Shaw try to spit game I realized how bad it really was, how he and his girlfriend got together is beyond me.

"Aren't you sweet" I smile.

"So... how do you like the hockey life" he asks.

"It's hectic. Especially with four kids and both of us working. But we have good friends and a positive mind frame so it makes it easy" I shrug.

"You wouldn't happen to have a sister would you" he asks with a blush forming.

"I have a little brother, and he's eight" I laugh.

"That sucks, don't see many girls like you in the Detroit area" he smirks.

"Ummm thank you" I laugh. Jon comes out and quickly finds me talking to my new friend.

"Hey Maisie, hey Gustav" Jon says before snaking his arm around my waist.

"Wait... you know who I am" he gasps.

"I've been playing you for six games, of course I do" Jon laughs.

"That's so cool" he whispers. Someone was fangirling.

"You wouldn't have just been hitting on my wife, would you" Jon jokes and I thought the kid was going to croak right there.

"I'm just messing with you. I would hit on her too if I was you. But if I find out you do it again and I'll beat your ass, you hear me" he warns and I roll my eyes. Take this fool off the ice and he couldn't hurt a fly.

"Yes sir" he replies causing Jon to laugh.

"Alright, see you on the ice" Jon says as we wave good bye.

The game gets going and it becomes very physical very fast. Like makes me want to cringe physical. I get they don't like each other but I'm not sure anyone leaves the ice alive after tonight. The game heads into over time like all good ones do and I'm relieved of my duties. I change from a UC polo to a Toews jersey and join my family in the stands where they always sit. I find my seat but right as I do Seabs takes off down the ice. Everyone raise to their feet as he gains the line looking for options. The thing about Brent is that this is the shit he lives for. In a game like this, with everything on the line, he wants the puck. He wants to win the game... and that's exactly what he does. About twenty feet from the crease he shocks everyone and just lets a wrist shot fly past Howard and this game, and series, was over. The boys surround him as the Mad House on Maddison was shaking to its core. Jackson and Sam put the rally towels to the test while Everly just looks excited because for once everyone is on the same level of happiness she is. Mason just sat there with his noise canceling headphones on looking around, he wasn't phased by anything. Once everyone calms down and they do their handshake the Hawks are presented with the Western Conference Final trophy. Once the crowd files out we go down stairs to meet Jon and head home. It was late and the kids seemed to be on a sugar high so it looked like I needed to ride them out. I was actually the one who needed sleep. I see Gustav walking down the hallway and excuse myself from the group I was taking to.

"Hey Gustav! Wait up" I yell and he turns around.

"I just wanted to say that you played great tonight. It only means great things for you and your teams future. It took us seven games to finally beat you guys and that says a lot. Even the good players fall down sometimes. Trust me, I've seen Jon at his worst. But the best players get back up. Hope to see you around" I say.

"Thanks Maisie, you know you're a really cool girl. Even if you are on the bad side" he chuckles. We say our goodbyes and I return to my family. I'm not sure where in life I was going, but I do know is that we're going to the Stanley cup final.

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