Play the Day Away

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Today's day was filled with fun things to do. We would start off by walking around the town square just experiencing everything this place has to offer. Then I would take her shopping and get her everything her little heart desired. Next we would go to the beach and enjoy a picnic out in the open air. After that was a romantic gondola ride around the city where I'll remind her just how happy she makes me. Last but not least we will be looking at the stars from the prettiest place around. I simply couldn't wait. I change into trunks and a tank top and she slips a tank top and shorts over her swim suit before we set off. We get to the commons and let our feet take us wherever we wanted. We were free and happy and that leads to some pretty good things. We stumble across a really impressive street performer who was picking away on a banjo. He was actually really freaking good. We sit and listen for a while before she turns around in my arms and starts swaying us to the beat of the music. I grab her waist as we rock back and fourth just taking each other in. She hums lightly and I let the sound of her silky voice fill my head.

"This is great" I mumble.

"I don't want to go anywhere" she whispers.

"We don't have to. We can stay here a while if that's what you want" I offer. She rests her head on my chest and I'm sure she can hear my heart racing. She still makes me feel like I'm going crazy. Nearly four years together and she still makes me nervous.

After a while we tip the street performer and head to some stores and historical sights. I watch her try on clothes which I admittedly enjoyed way too much. She looked great in everything so naturally we bought it all.

"We don't have to get everything I put on. I just like messing around here and trying on clothes" she insists as her body starts disappearing under all the bags. I couldn't help it though, she never lets me buy her thing.

"I want to. You look really good in all this, you should have it" I claim.

"Are you sure" she asks.

"Yes Maisie" I say and she sighs. I know she hates it when I buy her stuff but you can't find these things back home. We take all the stuff back to the house before setting off for the beach. There you could see mountains on the other side of the water and it was simply magical. I get out the sandwiches and other little snack items I got earlier today and spread them on the blanket we had set on the sand. We eat our food and rest a little before going into the water.

I shed my shirt and apply sun tan lotion everywhere I could. I was a Canadian boy after all. I turn around to ask Maisie to help me with my back but I choke on my words. She changed into a suit she just got and let me tell you... it was a sight to see. Her flawless skin sparkles under the foreign sun as she carefully applies sun tan lotion to her arms and legs. You could see a six pack coming in as her muscles tense as she moved.

"Can I help you" she jokes as she catches me staring.

"Actually yes, can you get my back" I ask and she comes over. Her hands were so soft yet so firm as she massages the lotion into my back. I relax into her touch as she kept going once I was covered.

"What are you doing" I groan. Man, this feels great.

"Giving you a massage. Just because" she explains.

"Well it feels amazing" I admit. Eventually we finally get into the water and look out to the mountains. The water was so clear, you could see everything. We get out until the water was to our belly button before we stop. I feel the sand go between my toes and spread my fingers to feel the water between it. I haven't been this relaxed in so long. Maisie takes her hair down and the bottom of it reaches the water. She runs her fingers through her long black hair and I can smell her shampoo from here. As much as I enjoyed this moment, it was too nice for us. I decide to be funny and splash her with water causing her to gasp loudly.

"Jonathan Bryan Toews you did not" she yells.

"I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about" I claim.

"You splashed me" she pouts.

"How can you be so sure? Did it look like this" I ask splashing her with water again.

"Oh you're going to pay for that" she warns before sending a splash my way. We go back and fourth for a while before calling a truce and catching our breath. I pull her into my chest and kiss the top of her head lightly. Man how I love this woman.

We get out of the water and meet a gondola guy for a tour of the city. We sit close together in the small boat as the guide takes us throughout the city showing us the prettiest sights you will ever see. We listen as he hums a tune and effortlessly guides us around. Maisie takes a bunch of pictures but that smile never left her face. Moments like this I will remember forever. What I feel like, what she looks like. These are the types of memories that will never be replicated. Although I plan on going many places with Maisie, this will be the only honeymoon. And as sad as I was that hockey ended so early this year, I couldn't complain about a single thing in this moment. I was with my best friend and my lover in the most romantic city in the world celebrating our marriage. What more could I ask for?

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