Pretty Special

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While Jonathan and the Hawks make their run for the actual Stanley cup, Jackson and his team were playing for their own mini cup between the teams back home in Chicago. Sure it wasn't even close to being the same thing, but he was still excited and I was still proud. He wasn't on the traveling team so all his games were in town making it convenient for me, Jonathan made it to most of the games but he obviously had his own team to worry about. Even though this is just pee wee hockey and the kids barley knew how to skate and Jon still loved watching Jackson play so he was bummed he couldn't make it to the last game. Jon was out with the team tonight as I sit with Emma watching the boys play.

"How are things with Patrick" I ask.

"Good. He was obviously bummed out after the Olympics but he got over it quickly. What's happening with the Hawks is pretty special and he's focused on that" she shrugs.

"That's great and all, but how are you and him" I wonder. She smiles out to the rink at the thought of them together and that makes me so happy.

"We're great. He's been great with finding time to come over, he always hangs out with Henry and is even learning to cook. How good of a cook he's going to be is questionable, but I appreciate the effort" she giggles.

"That's good to hear" I smile. I wanted them to work out so bad. Emma was a great girl and what happened to her husband, it's terrible. He loved her so much and vice versa, they wanted a big family and to grow old together and sadly that just wouldn't happen. But Emma and Henry are everything Patrick needs and I'm happy they have each other. He won't admit it but he's soft and she's breaking him down.

"You excited for the play offs to start up" she asks.

"Of course, I really think they'll do it this year" I admit.

"I hate to know what happens if they don't" she mumbles and I laugh. We enjoy the game and watch the boys play their little hearts out. Jackson was looking really good and I was kind of sad this would be the last game for a while. He has his heart set on moving up but I told him that meant more training and work. He's okay with that because Jon never stops training and he wanted to be just like him. If I played hockey I would too. I spend the night hanging with Emma like I do most games and enjoying girl time.

"I thought you said Jonny was doing stuff to get ready for the playoffs" Emma says.

"He is" I reply popping popcorn in my mouth.

"Then who is that guy who looks like Jon coming over here with flowers looking straight at you" she asks pointing behind me. I turn around and see Jon with a dozen roses and the biggest smile on his face. I spring to my feet and run over to him before he engulfs me into a hug. I squeeze him tight as he places a kiss on top of my head.

"I've missed you so much" I mumble into his chest.

"I saw you yesterday" he laughs letting me go.

"Yeah... that's a long time" I joke. He hands me the flowers and I let the scent fill my senses. I open my eyes to see him dangerously close to me.

"I thought you had a team thing" I whisper.

"I did, but the guys ended up going to a bar and I came here instead. This is Jacks last game and I didn't want to miss it" he claims pulling me close once again. I place a kiss on his lips and pull him to the bleachers where my things were. We sit down and as soon as we do Jackson scores his third goal of the game. Sure that doesn't mean too much in this league but his numbers were far above anyone else's. We get up to cheer and Jackson looks over our way. His eyes nearly pop out his head when he sees Jon and starts waving frantically. Jon gives him a thumbs up and Jack skates back to the bench.

"How's he doing" Jon asks.

"Great. His zone entries are sharp today and he has good possession the whole game. He's undefeated in the face off too. That doesn't say much here but still impressive" I shrug and Jon stares at me.

"What? I've been with you for well over a year and you don't think I listen to you" I laugh and he shrugs.

"I know you listen, but that doesn't mean you understand" he says. I guess that's true.

"I'm a hockey mom now, I know things" I tease nudging him. The game ends and everyone is given a trophy. Jackson gets extra ones for leading in goals scored, points, and MVP of the league. We take pictures and after a while Jackson disappears in a sea of tiny hockey players. After a mini freak out I find him in the back of the group with a small boy and he hands him something. They talk for a little before Jackson taps his helmet and returns to us.

"Where did you go buddy" I ask helping him out of his pads and other things.

"I gave Tommy my MVP trophy" he says and I stop undressing him.

"Why did you do that" I wonder. I wasn't mad, just curious as always.

"Because he might not have had a lot of points but he is still a important part of the team. He doesn't feel like it though and I wanted him to know I appreciated him. He was a big contributor to our line and did all the things that didn't get points really well. I told him he was my MVP and I wanted him to have the trophy" he explains. A smile crawls on my face as Jon rests his hand on my shoulder.

"That's very sweet of you" I say getting him into street cloths and out the door. We get him home and him tucked in bed before I am in Jonathan's arms once again.

"He's just like you" I say and he laughs. I feel his chest vibrate as I cuddle in close. It's the best feeling in the world honestly.

"As much as I would love to take credit for that, those things aren't taught. You can't teach people how to feel if they don't want to feel it. He's just a great kid who understands how success works and how important the people around him are" he shrugs.

"Yeah, he's pretty special huh" I ask.

"Yeah. I think what's going on around here is pretty special."

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