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The next morning I wake up alone once again. This is a really shitty feeling. I get up and walk out of our room and start to head to to kitchen but turn into Jacksons room instead. Everything was how he left it the other day for school. His sticks were propped against the door and his hockey bag was packed neatly. Maisie always made sure he smelled fresh and everything was ready for practice the morning of. His net hung by the window with all the stuffed animals lined up. The night before that day Jackson and I were reenacting the Stanley cup final and they were our audience. He was Patrick Kane and I was Jonathan Toews, I cheered extra hard when he 'scored' and we celebrated the only way a father and son could. I missed him a lot. I missed playing the guitar to him as Maisie sang so effortlessly. How she always watched me play while I watched her sing. How she always seemed to find me no matter where we were in a song. I hope she finds her way to me once again, and soon.

I go down stairs and stare at my phone. I wanted so bad to call her but I knew she had to be the one to call me. As I stare at it anger rises inside of me. Why do her parents insist on ruining everything? What did they say to her to make her run? I feel like I'll never truly understand everything, and at this point I'm not sure I want to. This all seems really intense but I need my girl and my boy by my side and they took that away from me. Just as I was about to set out too find them my phone goes off and I see Maisie's ID pop up.

"Please tell me you're okay" I beg.

"We're all fine. I promise" she says softly and I sigh.

"Do you have any clue how freaked out I am. I'm terrified" I say.

"I'm sorry, I wish it didn't happen this way. It sucks waking up without you next to me" she admits.

"Don't I know it. Dagger isn't sure what to do without his buddy and I'm missing my better half. It's eerily quiet around here. Please come home so we can talk" I ask.

"I want to. So bad. But I just can't. Not until I can know for sure it is safe for Jackson and I" she insists.

"Why would you guys get hurt. I get you're freaked about your parents, but not to the extent you should drive six hours away without telling me" I try.

"I just... I can't explain it. It's something I feel, something only I can feel. Trust, me I want to come home. I want you to know everything I know but that's impossible because I don't want you to feel the way I felt. There's a pain that I've felt, it's unspeakable. Indescribable. Intolerable. And I don't want you or Jackson experiencing it. I swear this is for the best. You're just going to have to trust me" she sniffles. I hate that she's crying, and I hate even more that I can't comfort her.

"Okay, just calm down. I trust you. I just hate that I can't help. And I hate that I can't look into those eyes" I admit.

"I'm sorry Jon. I really am. You didn't deserve any of this. I get if you're mad at me..." she trails off.

"I'm not mad. I'm not happy... but I'm not mad. Just, please come home" I ask again.

"Jon..." she sighs.

"I know. I know, I'm sorry. I'm not making this any easier. I just need you. I miss your cooking and the way you giggle. I miss how when we sit down for dinner and you ask how everyone's day was and Jackson always responds that it was the best day ever. I miss rolling over in bed and wrapping my arms around you knowing that I can protect you. I just... really miss you. That's all" I explain.

"I miss you too. And we'll be home soon, I just don't know when" she replies. She lets me talk to Jackson and he tells me all about all he's done at mall of America. He got to go on rides and ice skate in the mall. He loved it there. Eventually we say our goodbyes and hang up. I find the picture of Maisie from the day I came home after she ran the first time. She looked so... sickly. So fragile and weak. I wanted answers and I intended on getting them.

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