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*Third POV*

A blood covered man was sitting on the cold, wet concrete in a pitch black cell in one of Orochimaru's hideouts. Fresh wounds and painfully dark bruises covered his dirt stained, bandaged body. His blood matted hair that was once a beautiful ghostly white had more of a carmine blood color to it now. The only sound other than the pitter patter of the soothing rain was the occasional pounding of footsteps that could be heard from above.

The only source of light in the empty, cold, damp room came from the little, face sized window with smeared blood on it in the door

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The only source of light in the empty, cold, damp room came from the little, face sized window with smeared blood on it in the door. Yoshiro took a minute to look through the slit in the bandages covering his eyes. He looked at his barely visible shadow on the wall, turning his head from side to side as if his shadow were talking to him and he was contemplating an answer.

"I can't talk to you no more, Snake and Four Eyes doesn't like it." he whispered to his shadow as he pulled a senbon out of his left thigh and removed the bandages on his left arm.

He sliced a deep horizontal cut in his left forearm and watched his crimson blood flow from the new wound. When he grew bored of watching the blood flow from his arm, he shaped his chakra into a string and threaded the needle. He stitched his wound shut numerous times until he heard rapidly approaching footsteps. The sound of the footsteps approaching caused him to plunge the senbon back into his thigh and put his bandages back on.

"Is someone coming to play with Yoshiro?" he chuckled.

His chuckling soon became full blown insane laughter as the hurried footsteps stopped in front of his compact cell. As soon as he heard the footsteps stop he straightened up and looked towards the door expecting to see Orochimaru or Kabuto through the blood stained window.

"Yoshiro, is that you?" a woman he didn't recognize asked wiping the outside of the window with her hands as she tried to peek into the blood smeared window.

"Yoshiro is me." he nodded trying not to laugh as the woman's face fell when she realized the blood on the window was from the inside of the cell.

He wasn't sure if she could see him through the thick blood he smeared on the window every time he was returned to his cell bleeding, but he understood that she was trying to look into the cell. He knew it was probably a trick so he decided to ignore the woman.

"Come on, it's been too long, I have to get you back to Kakashi." she whispered as rushed footsteps could be heard from down the hall.

"You're not going anywhere. You shouldn't have come here." Orochimaru hissed.

"My lord, Orochimaru, please allow me to deal with the intruder." Kabuto bowed.

"You need to leave, leave Yoshiro here and run." Yoshiro whispered realizing it wasn't a trick.

"I came to get you, I'm not leaving without you." she proclaimed as three tails came out of nowhere and deflected the kunai Kabuto had thrown at her.

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