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*Yoshiro's POV*

I woke up in a room with no windows and my eyes widened. I looked down and noticed an IV in my arm and pulled it out. I jumped off of the bed and ran towards the door only for it to slam open and hit me in the face.

"Dammit." I cried out, grabbing my bleeding nose.

"Sorry Yoshiro." Tsunade laughed walking in with Kakashi, Jiraiya, the four Kages, and Shikaku. "Did I break your nose?" she asked moving my hands away from my face so she could see it.

"I don't know." I whispered looking at the ground.

"Sorry." she smiled as she healed it for me.

"How're you feeling?" Kakashi asked.

"I....I don't want to be around you guys right now." I whispered.

"Why?" Kakashi asked furrowing his brows.

"Old man Hokage, will you....lock me up somewhere....so I can't hurt anyone agai....." I started.

"Shut up Yoshiro. We're going to help you control it. Everyone in this room has agreed to help you, except the Kage's they'll just be there in case we need them to help. We also have more jonin willing to help, but they're outside. We're not going to lock you up, there's nothing wrong with you." Jiraiya smiled.

"But...." I started.

"Shut up." he warned causing me to close my mouth and pout.

"You ready?" they asked.

I nodded and we left. We walked to a secluded area of the forest of death and they all turned to face me. Ibiki, Anko, Rin, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Guy, Asuma, Kurenai, Zabuza, Haku, Shikaku, Inoichi, Choza, and the Kage's, along with the people that always follow them around, were all surrounding me.

"Killer B, why don't you help them." the Raikage smiled.

A man with white hair and dark skin with a muscular build nodded and stepped forward.

"Who're you?" I asked.

"Ya know my force, of course, from the source! No remorse from me, the one and only Killer Bee!" he smiled.

"Okay? Well...I'm Yoshiro!" I nodded causing the Raikage to smile at me.

"Alright, Yoshiro. I need you to activate your curse mark and then try to deactivate it. Simple as that." Jiraiya smiled.

I nodded and closed my eyes, focusing on drawing on a little power from the curse mark. My curse mark activated and started to spread across my body as chakra shot out around me. I tried to suppress it but it wouldn't work. It spread across my face and soon I was completely surrounded by it.

"It's alright Yoshiro. Stay calm, don't freak out, it reacts with your emotions." Anko smiled trying to keep me calm.

I took a deep breath but couldn't calm myself down.

"Yoshiro, look at me. Breathe." Anko furrowed her brows in worry.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths until I finally calmed down.

"Good. Now focus alright." she smiled.

I nodded and tried to suppress the chakra again only this time it surrounded me and started burning me. I stumbled as it continued to burn me and I clenched my teeth to keep myself from screaming. I took deep shaky breaths and tried to suppress it again only for more to pour out causing the temperature to increase. I fell onto the ground panting trying to keep myself calm as my skin felt like it was melting off. My skin started to blister from the heat and I cried out in pain.

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