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*Third POV*

"Good, maybe he'll keep his unwanted ass up there." Kakashi growled causing Yoshiro to stop walking as his eyes widened. "I didn't mean tha..." Kakashi started as a wormhole opened and mutant creatures started to pour out of it.

Yoshiro stood wide eyed as Kakashi's words sunk in. They jumped away from the mutant creatures as they turned towards Yoshiro.

 They jumped away from the mutant creatures as they turned towards Yoshiro

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There were sixteen total, one Sonsho and fifteen Nomaru.

"Phantom Dragon, watch out." Naruto yelled as the Sonsho lifted up his sword.

Sasuke tackled him to the ground as the Sonsho's sword crashed down where he was previously standing.

"I desperately wanted to believe that somehow Gaara was right. But I was right all along. I don't know if I want to live this life anymore if I'm going to end up alone. I've been alone for so long....isn't that punishment enough." Yoshiro whispered causing Sasuke's eyes to widen.

"Watch out guys!" Naruto yelled throwing a kunai at the mutant.

The kunai snapped in half when it hit the creature causing their eyes to widen.

"Everyone run." Kakashi yelled.

"Snap out of it Phantom Dragon. You're the only one that can beat these things." Sasuke growled snapping him from his thoughts.

Yoshiro looked up to see the Sonsho swinging down at him causing his eyes to widen. He jumped up and kicked the creature in the chin, sending it flying into the air.

"Sasuke, leave and stay out of the fight." he ordered causing Sasuke to nod and jump over to Kakashi and the others.

"Are you sure he can handle them?" Tazuna asked.

"I hope so, if he can't we're screwed." Naruto frowned causing Kakashi's eyes to widen.

A Nomaru snuck away from the group and went after Kakashi and the others while the other fifteen mutants attacked Yoshiro together.

"Watch out." Kakashi yelled as the Nomaru slammed it's sword down at Tazuna.

Yoshiro jumped in front of Tazuna and stabbed the creature causing lightning to strike it. The creature exploded and soaked everyone in blood as Yoshiro jumped away to get the attention of all of the other ones.

"He's good." Tazuna smiled.

"Yeah, he is." Naruto smiled while Sasuke nodded in agreement.

"Run back to the village, it's too dangerous here." Yoshiro ordered causing Kakashi's eyes to narrow.

"You don't order us around." Kakashi growled pulling a kunai out and throwing it at the sonsho.

"You're not going to hurt it. Flee or you're going to get everyone killed." Yoshiro growled.

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