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*Tazuna's POV*

I walked back in to see Yoshiro on his hands and knees on the ground.

"Why?" Yoshiro whispered in tears as he looked up at us.

"We're trying to help you." Tsunami frowned.

"It's for your own good Yoshiro." I frowned as Inari hid behind his mother.

"You drugged me." he whispered in shock and hurt.

"I had to do it." Tsunami frowned.

"Thank you Tazuna, we'll send you the reward." one of the blood prison guards nodded.

"You turned me in." he whispered as his tears spilled over causing me to frown.

"I had to." I whispered looking away as the guards drug him towards the door.

"I trusted you." he yelled in tears as the anbu drug him out of the house.

I watched as he sobbed brokenly while the guards drug him away. He struggled to get away from them but they didn't seem fazed at all. He looked back at me causing my stomach to drop. His eyes were dull and void of any emotion except for betrayal. He held his hand out to the side before speaking.

"Monsutāsureiyā come." he ordered causing electricity to shoot down from the sky and teleport his sword to him.

My eyes widened as he picked it up and glared at the guards surrounding him. They stood up and jumped away from him.

"Electro...." he started but didn't get to finish because a man with long black hair slammed his hand on the back of Yoshiro's neck, knocking him out.

"Dad." Tsunami whispered.

"He wasn't lying." I whispered as tears filled my eyes causing her eyes to widen.

"What have we done." she whispered in horror, watching as they picked Yoshiro up and headed off to the prison.

"I'll send a letter to the leaf." I nodded.

"He's rogue, they won't care. They'll find out when he gets admitted." she frowned.

"He's never going to forgive us." I whispered.

"Dad, he was understanding before, he'll forgive u....." Tsunami tried to comfort me but I cut her off.

"His eyes were dull and void of any emotion other than betrayal. We broke his spirit." I frowned causing Tsunami to start crying.

*Yoshiro's POV*

I opened my eyes to see it was morning and I was lying on a concrete ground. I sat up and noticed there were people standing around me.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." a fat man smiled at me.

I looked around me to see people with shackles on their wrists so I looked down at my wrists to see the shackles.

"Where's my sword?" I asked.

"You won't be needing that while you're here." he smiled.

"I'll warn you, it doesn't like to be away from me." I shrugged pushing myself onto my feet.

"Welcome to Hōzuki Castle, also known as the blood prison in between Kirigakure and Kumogakure. Before you think about escaping, I'd like to tell you that we're on an island far from any civilization and this island is completely surrounded by whirlpools and sharp rocks. Even if you somehow managed to survive the whirlpools, you'd die before you made it to land." a long black haired man explained.

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