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*Third POV*

When the Hokage and the Hyuga's arrived at the hospital they sat in the waiting room while Tsunade and the other medical ninja set to work on healing Yoshiro the best that they could.

"What is it that you need to speak to me about." the Hokage sighed.

"We found a snake summon inside Yoshiro's chakra stream." Hiashi frowned.

"What?" he asked as his eyes widened.

"We were watching the fight and we noticed some blue chakra inside Yoshiro's chakra stream. At first we didn't think it was a big deal but then we realized his chakra was black and red, not blue. We looked closer at it and we noticed it slithered around his chakra stream like a snake." he explained.

"So do you know how long it's been there?" he asked.

"Afraid not, But I think it's been there for a while, Orochimaru hasn't been close to him lately so he wouldn't have been able to inject it into him. It would of had to of been when he was experimented on." Neji explained.

"That would explain the evil voice that hisses in his head, but what do you think the other voice is then?" he asked.

"I have no idea, that was the only thing we found wrong with him." Neji shrugged.

"Alright, thank you for informing me, Neji and Hinata, you two stay here and help me deal with this." he sighed.

They nodded in agreement causing Hiashi to smile.

"I'll see you two later." he smiled before leaving.

The others showed up a few minutes later asking about Yoshiro's condition.

"Kakashi, I have some bad news." the Hokage sighed causing his eyes to widen. "It's not that bad, we're going to handle the situation accordingly." he added.

"You need to watch how you word things." he sighed in relief.

"Yoshiro has a snake summon inside of him and I don't know how we're going to get it out." I explained.

"He what?" he blinked.

"That voice that always tells him to kill people and go back to Orochimaru, that's a snake summon that Orochimaru injected into him when he experimented on him." he explained.

"How the hell are we going to fix that?" he asked.

"I can try." Anko shrugged.

"How?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, why're you so special?" Naruto rolled his eyes.

"I summon snakes too baka." she rolled her eyes and slapped him upside the head.

"Can we see him?" Ino frowned.

"Sadly I haven't heard anything yet, they're still in there wi...." the Hokage started but stopped when they heard screaming.

"Get off. Keep that away from me." Yoshiro yelled causing a nurse nearby to jump and drop the files she was carrying.

Kakashi ran towards the room they heard screaming in to see Yoshiro being held down by Tsunade and the other medical ninja.

"Stop." he whispered as a medical ninja held up a syringe.

"Yoshiro, it's not going to hurt you. You can trust her." Tsunade sighed.

"Get off." he panicked thrashing around as the ninja tried to hold his arm still. "Keep it away from me." he yelled causing the lights in the room to explode as his sword turned light blue.

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