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*Yoshiro's POV*

It didn't take long for Toru to fall asleep, I decided to relax in the corner as I waited for morning to come. The entire night I sat up listening to one of the anbu torturing another prisoner. I bet they wouldn't stand a chance if we were out in the open and not trapped in this prison. I was extremely bored and restless, before I even knew what was happening I spaced out. My mind wandered back to when I was still with Orochimaru and Kabuto, I didn't know how much time had passed when I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone calling me.

"iro....shiro....oshiro....Yoshiro." someone yelled.

I looked up to see Kakashi and Jiraiya.

"What?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Chill out, your chakra's seeping off of you." Kakashi sighed.

"Oh....sorry." I shrugged before standing.

"Come on, we got you out for the day. We have more training for you." Kakashi sighed.

"Alright." I smiled as an anbu opened my cell door and let me out.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"They're waiting at the training grounds." Jiraiya said before turning towards me. "Did any of the anbu do anything last night?" he asked as we made our way towards the village.

"Not to Yoshiro, they were too busy torturing someone else." I shrugged.

"Better them than you." Kakashi sighed in relief as we reached the village.

"Shut up Kakashi. Yoshiro wouldn't wish torture on anyone, especially not to save himself. Why would you say that?" I asked as we walked through the village.

"Yoshiro, I don't know them, I'm just glad it's not you." he sighed.

"So, you're stupid Kakashi. Just because you don't know them doesn't mean you should be happy that they have to go through that." I growled as we entered the training ground.

I was so pissed at Kakashi, I forgot to look to see which one we were in.

"Hey Yoshiro, how did Toru like the BBQ?" Naruto asked walking up to us.

"He loved it actually." I smiled.

"I bet he did, BBQ is the best thing in the world." Choji laughed as he stuffed his face with BBQ chips.

"No way, ramen is way better Dattebayo!" Naruto argued.

"Lets begin, Yoshiro, summon more clones, Everyone will all do what they did yesterday, especially Guy and Lee. You two need to work on his stamina, speed, and taijutsu. I'll teach him walking on water, then we'll find out what his affinity is so we can start teaching him jutsu." Jiraiya ordered.

I summoned a lot of shadow clones and they split up into groups to go with the others.

"Okay, so this is similar to walking up the tree but it's a lot different." he explained as we walked over to a small body of water. "You build up chakra into the soles of your feet, just like with walking up the tree's but this time you have to adjust your chakra outage to match the constantly changing depth of the water. So basically, if you step on top of the water and your foot goes through, you're using too much chakra, if you can step on it but you're using too little chakra then you'll feel wobbly and unstable and you'll fall in." He explained.

"Okay, Yoshiro will give it a shot." I smiled.

I put my hands in the Ram sign and fused as much chakra as I did for the tree activity yesterday into the soles of my feet. I took a step out onto the water and instantly fell in. I pulled myself out and concentrated on fusing less chakra into the soles of my feet. I noticed the rookie nine looking at me curiously but I ignored them and took another step out onto the water. I managed to put both feet on the surface but was extremely unbalanced.

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