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I'm dedicating this chapter to mckinney1322 for voting on my chapters and continuing to read them. If you guys have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. I'll answer them the best I can. Thank you so much for everything! I hope you're enjoying it!

*Third POV*

A blast of arctic air speared through Yoshiro's clothes and prickled along his skin; sinking down to his bones causing him to shiver and open his eyes. A blind fold was covering his eyes preventing him from seeing anything, but he could hear faint whispers that echoed through the room.

"Umm....Inoichi, what's going on?" Naruto asked.

"We can feel everything he feels." he informed.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I'm not going through his memories, they're just projecting his dream as he's experiencing it. Because this is his dream, we won't be able to feel any physical pain." he explained.

"So does that mean Yoshiro won't feel pain either?" Ino asked.


"The side effect of this jutsu is that he will relive it. Sorry Hokage-sama, we thought you guys already knew." one of the four ninja informed causing everyone to frown.

"Well let's just leave then." Ino suggested.

"That won't work. The jutsu has already been casted. It won't stop until the jutsu runs out of time. We'll be in a third point of view, like a bystander but we'll be able to feel everything he feels except physical pain. The jutsu only lasts so long, unless he wakes up, then it'll end there." they frowned.

'Where am I?' Yoshiro thought as he realized his hands were bound behind him on the other side of the metal pillar he was chained to. 'Did the Hokage decide to punish me for what happened in the village?' he thought causing the Hokage to frown.

"Does he really think that I'm like that?" the Hokage frowned.

"Hello?" he called out.

Shuffling could be heard in the distance causing him to tense.

"Is somebody there?" he yelled out again.

All he got as a reply was a deep chuckle before a door opened and closed.

"Where am I? Kakashi, are you out there?" he yelled trying to keep himself calm.

"You fool. I thought I told you not to speak like that. And what's this about Kakashi? Did you dream that he rescued you? How pathetic. We told you that you are never to leave here, remember?" a masculine voice spat with venom dripping from every word.

'That voice....' he shuddered.

"N-No..." he whispered.

"Really? You know, I thought you'd be used to seeing me everyday by now...but I guess you've always been this way. It's been a few years and you're still surprised to see me? What're we gonna do with you?" Kabuto laughed.

"W-Why am I here? Where's Kakashi?" he asked.

"Stop talking like that. Do it again and I'll have to make you remember just how inferior you are." he growled before continuing. "I don't know what you're talking about with Kakashi, you were in a coma because I took it too far on one of my experiments. Even though it was all your fault, Orochimaru blamed me. You've been out for months, we were starting to get worried."

"Y-You're lying. They came and took me, I got out of here." he mumbled.

"Obviously you've forgotten the rules here, why don't you let me help you with your memory." he snickered he picked something up and began walking towards Yoshiro.

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