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*Yoshiro's POV*

I stopped at Toru and Mei's graves and decided to sit there for a while and enjoy the silence since I had two hours to spare.

"What do you guys think? Am I being dumb? I know I should think this through but I just need to get out of here for a while. I think this is a good opportunity to train and become stronger, but I could die...at least I'd finally be happy. I honestly hate this village, I'd rather be anywhere else, but Kakashi loves this village and I met some pretty incredible people here....but I have to avoid them to keep them safe. Maybe leaving is for the best. I know you two can't even hear me but I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I want to make sure your deaths weren't for nothing but in order to do that I have to get stronger. Maybe I'm just overthinking it." I sighed before laying back and looking at the clouds.

"What're you doing outside of the village? You still have about an hour and thirty minutes." Shinzo asked jumping down from a tree.

He looked at Toru and Mei's graves before stopping and frowning.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were visiting. Ignore that I was here, I didn't mean to interrupt." he apologized before turning around.

"It's fine, I was done talking to myself. I was just enjoying the peace and quiet...you can........join me if you'd like." I shrugged.

"Sounds nice." he smiled sitting against a tree.

"Aren't you supposed to be preparing to leave?" I asked.

"We are. We caught some rabbits and found some fruit. It didn't take as long as it does in the other world, probably because everything there is dangerous and will fight back." he laughed.

"You guys prepared by eating?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep." he nodded.

"Shinzo, where'd you go?" Reiko yelled.

"Yeah man it's not cool to just run off." Gennosuke yelled.

"They're worried about me." he laughed.

"Why? You seem to be able to take care of yourself." I shrugged.

"I don't know, for some odd reason, they think of me as their leader." he laughed.

"Why's that odd?" I asked.

"I'm not much of a leader, I rely on their help, without them, I'd probably die. Usually a leader takes responsibility for things and leads their group. I don't, I sit back and watch things unfold, I'm far too lazy to be a great leader." he smiled.

"You sound more like a Nara than a Yamanaka." I smirked.

"Shin... Oh, there you are." Reiko smiled.

"What is it?" he asked.

"We thought maybe something happened to you." Kazuki frowned.

"Sit down guys, relax, we don't have to be on edge here. We aren't in any danger." he smiled.

They all nodded and awkwardly sat down around us.

"Who're they?" Gennosuke asked pointing to the graves.

"Gennosuke, you don't ask that. It's rude and insensitive." Reiko hissed.

"It's fine....They were friends of mine." I frowned.

"Why aren't they inside of the village then?" he asked.

"They weren't from Konoha." I informed.

"Really? Well I'm sure if you asked the Hokage, he'd let you put them in their." Gennosuke smiled.

"I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. I despise this village, I wouldn't want to make that their burial ground. They're free out here, no one can truly be happy in that place, even if you're dead, you wouldn't be able to rest in peace." I frowned.

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