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*Third POV*

Inoichi took first shift and switched with Jiraiya after a while. Tsunade, Kakashi, Choza, Shikaku and Anko also took turns watching but now they were all starting to get up.

"How's he doing Kakashi?" Jiraiya asked coming back into the cave carrying more firewood.

"He's still not awake, but his bleeding finally stopped." he whispered.

"Okay, well that's a start. He's gonna pull through, I know Tsunade can't heal him but she's still a great doctor. Inoichi and his daughter are herb specialists so I sent them out to find some herbs we can use. Don't worry, Shikaku and Choza went with them incase they're attacked." he sighed.

"Kakashi, is he doing any better?" Naruto asked walking over with Toru.

"I think so." he shrugged.

"He doesn't look any better. He looks like he's dying." Sasuke muttered.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the Uchiha and got ready to yell at him but stopped when Yoshiro started coughing.

"Yoshiro?" Naruto whispered causing his eyes to shoot open.

He sat up and turned to the side and coughed up a bunch of blood as he tried to get out of the sleeping bag.

"Yoshiro, you can't get up. Don't push yourself. Lay back down." Kakashi tried to reason with him.

"Kakashi?" he choked looking over to him. "What happened?" he whispered.

"It doesn't matter, how are you feeling?" Kakashi asked.

"I feel like I'm being stabbed repeatedly while being burned alive." he whispered before coughing up more blood.

"Please lay back down, your wounds just stopped bleeding. If you keep moving then they'll reopen." he begged.

"Forget about me you idiot, how is everyone else? Did anyone get seriously injured?" Yoshiro panicked.

"Yoshiro, don't get yourself worked up, you should be laying down." Tsunade sighed walking over with Ino and Inoichi.

"How's everyone else doing? Asuma? Guy? Kurenai? Tenten? Shino? everyone." he asked.

"They'll be fine. You're in a worse condition then them. Let me use these herbs to heal you some okay?" she sighed as Jiraiya left.

"No. Heal them first.....and get me out of this sleeping bag....I'm.... roasting in here." he panted as his arms started to give out.

"Yoshiro, lay down. I think you might have a fever." Tsunade ordered pushing him down before feeling his forehead. "You definitely have a fever, Yoshiro, you can't move. Do you understand?" Tsunade warned.

"Where are we?" he whispered looking around.

"Yoshiro, I think you might have an infection. Tell me you won't move and you won't strain yourself." she sighed in frustration.

His head fell down onto the pillow and he passed out.

"What happened?" Naruto whispered.

"He just passed out." Tsunade sighed.

"How do you treat an infection without your medical ninjutsu?" Naruto asked.

"I'm going to have to find a stream or river to keep a fresh supply of cold water to keep his fever down while we try to make a remedy with herbs. I know a lot about plants but I might need your help." she sighed turning to Inoichi.

"Of course." he smiled.

"What happened?" Shino asked sitting up and holding his head.

"Shino, I'm glad you're awake." Kiba smiled.

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