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I'm feeling a bit generous today, so here's another chapter. Enjoy!

*Yoshiro's POV*

"Let's play again!" I cheered as Tsunade and Shizune left the room.

The sun was starting to come up now, I had managed to calm down a lot since the time I woke up. I should probably be used to the memories that haunt me and play over and over when I sleep. It feels so real when I'm sleeping, like I'm experiencing it all over again. I was surprised at how quick I calmed down, usually it takes me about half a day instead of just a few short hours. I think it has to do with people being here to help me though. I know that they were just trying to keep my mind off of it, but it was fun.

"Hey Yoshiro, how're you doing today?" Firefly asked as her and Anko walked in.

"Yoshiro beat Shikaku in shogi!" I smiled.

"Really? Did he let you win?" Anko asked earning an elbow to the side from Firefly. "What? No one has ever beaten a Nara at any strategic game." she shrugged rubbing her side.

"Well that's great Yoshiro." Rin smiled.

"Is Kakashi here?" I asked.

"Yeah. He's talking to Lady Tsunade, he'll be here when he's done." she smiled.

"Oh, okay." I smiled standing up.

"Where are you going?" Jiraiya asked.

"To find Kakashi!" I smiled before running out the door.

"Damn. We were supposed to keep him in here." he sighed when I got outside the door.

I continued to run down the hall until I saw the woman that is always with Lady Tsunade, Shizune I think.

"H-Hello?" I asked.

"Oh. Hello." she smiled.

"Do you know where Kakashi is?" I whispered.

"Yeah. I'll take you to him." she smiled before walking towards the stairs. "Come on, follow, me!" she said when she realized I wasn't following her.

I hesitantly followed her making sure not to get too close. When we reached the ground floor we walked into the lobby to see Kakashi talking with Lady Tsunade.

"Why didn't anyone come get me. Is he okay?" he yelled.

"Maybe we should wait for them to get done talking." Shizune smiled.

I nodded and stopped walking, I focused on what they were saying so I could hear them better.

"You needed the sleep, you weren't getting the rest you needed here. That's why we didn't get you, we knew that in a couple of hours you would be here. He's fine so you need to calm down. I know it was intense but I've never seen anything like that, it scared the hell out of me. That was the one time I wasn't confident with my medical ability. I realized I'm not as good as I thought, I don't know how to help him, I've never had a patient like him." she sighed.

"Was he fine after he woke up?" he asked.

"After a couple hours." she sighed.


"He cried for hours straight and wouldn't talk to anyone but the Hokage. He calmed him down and then we've been distracting him." she shrugged.

"What the hell? You should have had the Hokage send for me." he yelled.

"Kakashi, calm down. You're scaring the other patients and guests." I lectured walking up to them.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking at my half healed arms.

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