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*Kakashi's POV*

"You....y-you monster." the waitress sobbed.

He looked at her for a few minutes before turning around.

"I hate you!" she sobbed as she clutched the dead man's body.

"Join the club sweetheart." he spat before walking towards the men he travels with.

"Wait." Gaara yelled.

"You chose your side. Farewell Gaara." he whispered causing his eyes to widen.

"But....Wait, you know this village is important to me. You can't really expect me to let you kill people here. That's not fair and you know it." he frowned.

"Life isn't fair Gaara." he shrugged before waving and walking towards the village exit with the men.

"What does this mean? I don't want to be an enemy." he frowned.

"I won't be back unless you call for my help but even then, you will pay me for my services." he yelled back before they exited the village.

"Dammit." Gaara whispered in irritation as he kicked the side of a building.

Temari bent down by the sobbing woman and started to comfort her but stopped when Gaara hovered above her.

"Why did you poison his drink?" he asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"I-I....I umm...I needed the money....That sannin was offering a lot of money for him...but...We should have listened...." she sobbed.

"What're you talking about?" he asked.

"That sannin, Orochimaru and his follower Kabuto, they warned us. They said not to take on this job unless we were at least anbu level. We thought we could handle it, it was one man. I never thought they'd be killed so easily." she sobbed.

"I'm sorry for your loss but you brought this on yourself." Gaara glared as he stood up and started to walk away.

"Wait." she cried.

"What?" he sighed.

"I needed the money. I'm sorry I made an enemy for Sunagakure, please don't punish me." she cried.

"That's not my decision to make." Gaara shrugged before continuing. "But if it was, I'd kill you. The only reason you're still alive is because I can't allow someone that isn't a part of this village to kill you, it would make other civilians feel unsafe and it would cause an uproar. I do however think you deserve it. If you want my opinion, you should pack your stuff and leave." he spat before walking back towards his house.

The woman sobbed and begged for forgiveness all the way back to his house. He told the anbu not to let her in as we all followed him inside. He walked to their dining room and sat down at the table, putting his folded hands under his chin and glaring at the table.

"Gaara, was he really that important to you?" Temari frowned as we all hesitated to sit down around him.

"It doesn't really matter now, does it?" he sighed.

"How does he know Yoshiro?" Naruto asked.

"How do you think he knows him." Gaara sighed.

"Maybe because of Orochimaru....." Naruto shrugged.

"They were both experiments." he nodded before continuing. "Listen, the Yoshiro you guys knew is gone. It'd be better for everyone if you just left him alone and...." he started.

"You can't be serious Gaara." Naruto yelled slamming his hands on his table. "I'm not giving up on him. Yoshiro is coming home whether he likes it or not. I'll drag him back to the village if I have to." he yelled causing Gaara's eyes to widen.

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