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*Yoshiro's POV*

I jumped up panting with tears in my eyes and grabbed my sword before looking around the room to see I was still in that villagers house. I forced myself to calm down and pushed all of my emotions down. It was hard but I just imagined pushing them down into the pit of my stomach like I did when Mei first died. I looked out the window to see it was still night. I sat on the window sill for a while thinking about what I could do to pass the time when I noticed the wall was destroyed.

'I guess I could fix their wall.' I shrugged jumping out of the window and inspecting their wall.

I looked at the type of wood it was and calculated the length and width of it before smiling to myself and making some shadow clones. I sent some shadow clones to break down trees, some to cut the trees, and some to help me place the logs in the right spots around the village.

When all the trees that we needed were cut down I made those clones join the other ones in cutting the trees into the right sizes. I continued to stack logs until there weren't many left, then I poofed away my shadow clones and decided to finish the rest of the work myself.

I carried the logs to the right spot on the fence and tied them together to form the wall. I looked up and wiped the sweat off of my forehead, just now noticing the sun was up. The villagers started waking up and walking outside to see me finishing the wall.

"That would have taken us a few months to fix." a man whispered to his friends as they watched me carry the last piece over to the wall and tie it together.

"Would you like some lemonade?" a woman smiled holding out a glass to me.

"Just so you know, poison doesn't affect me." I shrugged taking the glass from her and taking a sip from it.

"I wasn't poisoning you." she whispered in disbelief.

"Just making sure." I smiled. "Thanks for the drink though, I needed it." I nodded.

"No problem." she smiled.

"So, Konoha sent a bird, seems like they're having problems in the village so they won't be able to send anyone till later today." he shrugged causing me to tense.

"Why is Konoha coming?" I asked.

"That's where we get our supplies." he shrugged.

"Oh....well why don't you guys raise your own livestock and stuff like that." I shrugged.

"We used to raise our own but something from the mountains keeps eating them." he shrugged.

"Well, anything is better than paying Konoha's ridiculous mission fees along with their outsiders tax on products." I frowned causing his eyes to widen.

"We don't have any money." he whispered to himself.

"Here. I don't know how much you guys need but I know it's a lot so you can just have all of my money." I shrugged handing them the large bag full of the villagers money that I stole and all of the money from my wallet.

"No way, we can't do that. You need it to travel." the old man frowned.

"No I don't. For food I can catch things in the wild and for a place to sleep, I don't need one. I don't sleep that often." he shrugged.

"What about entrance fees for a village?" he asked.

"I can find more money." I smiled before continuing. "What was that thing you said about something in the mountains?" I asked.

"It's stupid, just forget I said anything." the old man shrugged.

"Just tell me." I smiled.

"When we raised our own livestock, every night, about five or six of them would go missing. Ordering livestock from Konoha is not cheap, so we were wasting more money trying to raise livestock so we just decided to buy our supplies from them. It is very expensive but it's not as bad as when we were wasting so much on trying to keep them alive." he shrugged.

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