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*Third POV*

The dragons walked with Yoshiro, back to the temple to be greeted by the priest.

"Welcome back! You found a survivor? That's wonderful!" he smiled motioning them to come into the temple.

They walked in and he looked them over.

"Are any of you injured? I can try my best to patch you up." he smiled.

"We're fine thanks." Nuntius smiled.

"I'm making some stew, it's almost done." he nodded.

"Sounds great!" Majeir smiled.

Yoshiro turned around and opened the door causing everyone to look at him.

"Yoshiro...." Astarot started.

"I'm not hungry and I'm not interested in sitting in here with all of you." he shrugged.

"Take your armor off, let us clean it for you so you're not drenched in blood. You can even use our bath." a few monks suggested.

Yoshiro narrowed his eyes at them and pulled out a kunai causing their eyes to widen.

"Yoshiro, do it. You're completely drenched in blood." Astarot sighed.

He nodded before putting his kunai away and followed the monks into the back room where he undressed and handed them his armor.

"Sorry about him." Astarot apologized.

"It's quite alright. You can tell he has a kind heart, he just seems to be going through a rough time." the priest smiled while stirring the stew.

Yoshiro sat in the bath staring at the blood covering him. He scrubbed his hair and watched as the water turned red. Images of him stabbing Kakashi flashed through his head and his hands started to shake.

"I......stabbed him." he whispered in guilt as tears filled his eyes.

He closed his eyes and forced his thoughts away before scrubbing himself clean and getting out of the bath.

"So, where are you guys headed?" the priest asked.

"We're headed to Suna." Astarot informed.

"I heard the Kazekage's been off lately, a friend of his died and he's been behind on paperwork and missions, so it might take a while for you guys to find work there." he frowned.

"If he's behind on missions, wouldn't that mean that he'd be willing to hire us faster?" Astarot asked.

"Usually yes, but it seems he stopped accepting missions and the village is currently at a hault. They aren't trading and they aren't doing missions. It's like they're locking everyone out. It makes me wonder if anything else has happened." he shrugged.

*Yoshiro's POV*

I walked out of the bath to see everyone turn to look at me.

"That's more like it, you can tell your hair wasn't naturally red now." Astarot smirked but I ignored him and walked outside.

I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes thinking about everything that's happened so far. My eyes snapped open when I realized Itachi and Konan knew who I was. They knew I was alive.

'What if they tell them and they hunt me down for hurting Kakashi.' I frowned at the thought.

I heard running and tried to jump out of the way but I was too slow and was tackled to the ground. I pulled out a kunai and swung down but stopped when I felt something licking my face. I opened my eyes to see Akamaru was standing on top of me, he was a lot bigger than the last time I saw him. His tail was wagging and he barked happily at me causing me to smile. My smile didn't last long as I realized the others were probably nearby. I jumped up and turned around to run back into the temple to see Kiba, Hinata, Shino, and Kurenai standing in my way.

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