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*Yoshiro's POV*

We walked through a hidden room and continued down a spiral staircase. I clenched my fists and tried to steady my breathing as we continued walking down with no escape. I felt as if the walls were closing in on me so I took a deep breath to try to calm myself down.

"Yoshiro, are you alright?" Rieko asked causing everyone to stop walking.

I nodded causing Shinzo's eyes to widen.

"Let's hurry up, remember what they told us. He doesn't like to feel trapped." he sighed causing the others eyes to widen.

They all nodded and sped up. We continued to walk until we came up to a large door with the words DO NOT ENTER  on it. Shinzo opened the door and led us down a dark tunnel lined with dim torches. He opened yet another door and we walked inside to see a circle with weird symbols all over it.

 He opened yet another door and we walked inside to see a circle with weird symbols all over it

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They placed different types of mushrooms and moss around the outside of the circle.

"Alright, we all have to cut ourselves and drip some blood on the circle to ensure that we will all end up together when we get there." Shinzo explained pulling a small blade out and cutting his hand before passing it on to Tashiro.

When the blade finally got to me I cut a slit in the palm of my hand and let it drip onto the circle as Gennosuke put a bowl of water in the center of the circle.

"Step onto the circle." Shinzo ordered.

We all stepped onto the circle as the symbols absorbed the mushrooms and moss. Our blood seeped into the floor along with the water and the ground softened and started to mush into mud.

"See you on the other side. Don't freak out Yoshiro, you'll be fine." Shinzo smiled as the mud started to pull us underground and before I knew it, it was pitch dark.

I felt myself being pulled further and further through the mud but I could still breath and move my limbs. Before I realized it, there was a bright white flash and I was dropped onto the ground. I looked around to see Shinzo and the others smiling at me. Gennosuke held out a hand for me and I hesitantly grabbed it.

"Welcome to.....well, it doesn't really have a name." he laughed as he pulled me to my feet.

I looked around for a while, this world was a lot different than ours, it was beautiful. We were standing on a cliff, above the trees. The fog was thick, giving the area an eerie feeling. There was a large forest on one side and a muddy swamp area with rotting trees and a small forest on the other side. I looked over and my eyes widened. There was a large armoured creature with a huge sword. I looked closer and noticed a man riding a horse on a small cliff right next to the giant.

"Shit, Yoshiro lets go. We need to get out of here. That is definitely a Sokushi. We're way too close. Lets hope it doesn't notice us." Shinzo ordered pointing towards the swamp area.

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