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*Yoshiro's POV*

I smiled in amusement at the demon of the mist as his adopted daughter slapped him, even if he won't admit it, I know he sees her as a daughter and wants to protect her.

"Yoshiro, why would you get in the way, you could've been killed." Kakashi yelled causing the others to look over at me.

"Calm down, I wasn't killed." I smiled.

"Why would you save the enemy?" he growled.

"I didn't." I shrugged.

"They killed Sasuke." Kakashi growled.

"No they didn't. Haku doesn't kill kids, she's too nice. He's not dead, trust me." I sighed.

"Explain, now." he ordered.

"Just wait, it'll all make sense in a little while, Gato's coming with an army of men." I smirked.

"Finally that bastards showing his face." Zabuza smiled sadistically.

"All of us are to stay out of this fight, okay Kakashi?" I smiled.

"Fine, but afterwards, you're explaining everything to us." Kakashi sighed before Sakura started yelling.

"He's alive, Naruto, Sasuke's okay!" she yelled causing Naruto to smile and run over to them.

"What's going on here? Did the mighty Demon of the Mist give up to a bunch of children?" Gato laughed.

"Well well well, Look who finally decided to show his face." Zabuza smiled before continuing. "Haku, stay out of this fight, I don't want you to get hurt." he smiled holding his sword out.

"Haku, come over here so you're out of the way." I smiled.

She nodded and walked towards me as Zabuza created a heavy mist.

"Eight Points. Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, and heart. Now, which will be my attack point?" he asked before disappearing in the mist.

The men screamed as they were sliced with his sword.

"K-Kill him. Don't let that demon anywhere near me." Gato yelled.

"Fucking coward. This is for everything you bastard." he growled.

From the sound of his voice you could easily tell Gato was choking, shortly after he spoke there was a loud splash and the dense mist started to clear up. The entire bridge was splattered with blood and body parts littered the area. I started to become a little antsy as my left hand began to twitch, itching to paint the bridge with more blood. Zabuza slowly made his way over to us and smiled at me and Haku.

"Now that that's settled, we should probably leave Haku." he smiled.

"Why can't we go to the leaf with Yoshiro?" she asked.

"We're not welcome in the leaf." he sighed.

"Sure you are, I'll talk to the old man Hokage and he'll let you guys live there." I smiled.

"Yoshiro, what're you doing?" Kakashi asked.

"We're taking them home with us." I smiled.

"You can't take these criminals back to Konoha. They could destroy the village." he lectured.

"Lets finish the bridge so we can leave." I smiled creating numerous shadow clones as I ignored Kakashi.

Zabuza and Haku created some shadow clones to help with the bridge building too. Even though there was no reason for it, Kakashi's team continued to keep guard. I decided to lay back and look at the clouds while the clones worked on the bridge. Shortly after I got comfortable on the grass near the bridge I heard a bird cawing, I immediately jumped up and began to look around the area.

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