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*Yoshiro's POV*

I called my sword and it teleported to me.

"Umm...Yoshiro, we should probably tell you that you were right about the leaf." Nuntius frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"They know you're alive and the one blonde boy said they're all coming after you." Astarot frowned.

"It's fine, I'm going to the leaf to do missions when my armors done, I'll make sure they know I'm not coming back." I nodded before continuing. "Do you think you guys could stay here and find something to do that won't draw attention to you?" he asked.

"Yeah, we've got this covered." Astarot nodded as Fizza handed me my armor.

"And another thing, can someone seal my suit to me so it can't come off? Unless I want it to?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can do that." Majeir nodded putting seals on me and my armor.

"Thanks." I nodded putting it on before heading to Konoha.

I walked through the Land of Stone and waved at the monks by the temple as I passed.

"Have a safe journey Yoshiro." they smiled and waved.

I nodded and continued on my way.

~~~~~Timeskip to Konoha Gates~~~~~

I walked up to the gate only to be stopped by Izumo and Kotetsu.

"State your name and your business and show us some sort of identification." Kotetsu ordered.

"Phantom Dragon. I don't have any identification, your Kage called on me." I sighed causing their eyes to widen.

"How do we know it's him? He doesn't have any identification." Izumo asked.

"For fucks sake." I growled slamming a bingo book on the table causing it to break.

People looked over at us in worry as the two pulled out kunai and held the kunai towards me.

"Look." I sighed holding the bingo book up to show them the picture of me.

"We'll take you to see the Hokage." they nodded leading me through the village.

The villagers glared at me as I walked through the village causing me to tense.

"Relax, they just don't know you." Izumo frowned.

I had my hand on the hilt of my sword the entire time I walked through the village.

"He's here." Naruto whispered from Ichiraku as we continued towards the Hokage's tower.

"Leave your weapons out here." Kotetsu ordered.

"No way in hell." I refused causing him to frown.

"We're not letting you go into the same room with him while you're armed." they frowned.

"I'm not going in there unarmed. If I wanted your Kage dead, he'd already be dead." I growled causing their eyes to widen.

"Izumo, Kotetsu, show him in." the Hokage ordered.

They opened the door and let me enter before closing it.

"Welcome to Konoha Phantom Dragon." the Hokage smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked causing him to frown.

"Well we're behind on our missions and need more capable ninja to help." he explained.

"I wonder why you're so behind on missions." I mocked.

"So...I heard that you were friends with Yoshiro." he smiled ignoring my comment.

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