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A/N: mckinney1322 Thank you for voting and commenting on my work. This chapter is going to be dedicated to you. Thank you for being a great fan! I hope you continue to support me and read my work. It means a lot to me. I'm sorry for getting so far behind with updating, I just didn't have time to post them. I'll be posting 12 chapters, I hope you enjoy!

*Yoshiro's POV*

"What're you doing here?" Danzo growled.

"You kidnapped my friends kids." I shrugged causing their eyes to widen.

"You're friends of their mothers?" he asked.

"No. Their father." I informed causing their eyes to widen more.

"So you think you can beat me?" he laughed.

"Not at all, but I'm going to, or I'll die trying." I shrugged.

"That sounds accurate. I hope you're ready to die." he smiled punching towards my face.

"Everyone already thinks I'm dead so it doesn't matter to me." I shrugged causing him to freeze.

"Yoshiro?" he asked in disbelief.

"I bet you're mad now. I guess Orochimaru didn't get rid of me huh?" I growled causing his eyes to widen.

"You heard that?" he frowned.

"I hope you and everyone else rots in hell. I'll make sure I send you there personally but I can't bring myself to hurt the others." I frowned causing his eyes to widen more.

"Wait, it's not what you think." he panicked.

"Save your lies, I heard all you had to say about how easy I am to trick. I won't fall for it again." I growled kicking him away from me.

I tried to calm down but my emotions were spiraling out of control.

"Wait, Yoshiro. Don't blame the village. They're not a part of this and it's not what you think." he yelled.

"Stop lying." I growled unsheathing my sword. "I heard you talking to him." I growled jumping at him and slicing towards him.

He jumped out of the way just as my sword connected with the ground.

"Yoshiro, calm down." he frowned. "We can talk about this. I can get you back into the village, just calm down." he frowned.

"TO HELL WITH THAT VILLAGE." I yelled as chakra shot out of me and lashed out at him.

I swung my sword at him but he blocked it with a kunai and frowned.

"Listen Yoshiro, you need to calm down. It's not what you think, I'm not on his side." he frowned.

"You're kidnapping children and forcing them into the same hell I endured for thirteen years and you're trying to tell me you're not on his side?....that's a bunch of bullshit." I whispered as he jumped away.

"Let me explain myself." he frowned.

"Save it." I growled jumping towards him and clashing my sword with his kunai again.

My emotions were sending me on a rampage and I didn't know what to do about it. I couldn't stop myself, at first I was outrageously angry but the anger dissipated and now I feel betrayed and upset.

"Yoshiro." Danzo frowned jumping away from me and knocking my face sheild off with his kunai.

"Why?" I asked lunging at him.

I swung my sword at him but he kicked me in the stomach causing my eyes to widen. My stitches ripped open and blood seeped through my clothes. My sword flung to the other side of the clearing while I kneeled on the ground.

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