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Sorry guys I had it done earlier in the week but I forgot to post them. Here's the next 3, I hope you all enjoy them!

*Yoshiro's POV*

I actually fell asleep yesterday, part of the reason being I didn't want to see Kakashi. I know it was just a genjutsu but I can't help but fear that that's actually how he feels. I'm trying to avoid him as much as possible so when I woke up from another nightmare I decided to leave. I didn't want to wait till he woke up. I walked through the village and walked to the forest of death to see it full of people.

"Yoshiro, glad you could join us. I bet Kakashi didn't even tell you when to meet us did he?" Anko smiled.

"No, he didn't." I sighed.

She gave me a worried look but didn't say anything.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"Well you get a scroll and the purpose of this is to get another scroll and head to the tower in the center of the forest. You can open your scrolls after you reach the tower, but make sure you have two of them and make sure you're inside the tower before you open them." she explained.

Before handing me a scroll.

"This is the heaven scroll, you have to get an earth scroll." she whispered.

"Alright." I nodded turning around.

I noticed Ino standing with Shikamaru and Choji they were looking this way so I waved at them.

When they didn't notice me, I frowned. I turned around and sighed but Ino started calling for me.

"Hey Yoshiro, come here." Ino smiled.

"Hey Ino, I got the heaven scroll what scroll do you have?" I asked holding up my scroll causing Anko to facepalm.

"Yoshiro, you're not supposed to say that." Ino yelled.

"Why not? I'm not worried about any of these losers." I shrugged earning glares from the other ninja as I walked up to the three of them.

"Says the coward that couldn't even show his face during the written exam. What, you too scared?" a Kumo ninja mocked.

"Hey, don't talk to him like that. He had his reasons and they're none of your business." Naruto yelled.

"Shut up you leaf brat. You're going to be the first one in this forest to die, I can guarantee it." he growled.

I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step towards him only to be pushed back by Anko and Ibiki.

"Woah there tiger, calm down. You can kill whoever you want once you're released into the forest. Just be patient alright? Don't rush into things." she smiled.

"You better hope I don't run into your pathetic squad while I'm in there." I growled.

"Oh, I can guarantee that we will. We're coming for your heaven scroll, chicken shit." he smirked.

"I told you to stop saying things like that to him, he isn't a chicken, he did a different test." Naruto growled.

"Yeah, I remember..." he rolled his eyes.

~~~~~Flashback~~~~~ *Third POV*

Naruto and his squad walked into the testing area to see Guy's team, along with the rookie nine.

"Hey guys!" Naruto waved.

"Is Yoshiro here?" Ino asked.

"No, Kakashi told us that he's taking a different test." Sasuke shrugged causing the other ninja to look at them.

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