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I'm going to dedicate this chapter to Aki-Akegata for voting for my chapters and continuing to read them. Thank you so much for everything! I hope you're enjoying it.

*Yoshiro's POV*

I tried to wake up, but I couldn't. My eyes felt heavy and I felt really drowsy.

'Where am I?' I thought as I tried, and failed, to open my eyes.

I felt the warmth of someone's hand grasping mine and heard a faint beeping noise.

'What's that sound?' I thought as I tried to open my eyes again only to have the same outcome as before.

The beeping noise became louder as I started to remember everything that happened. I remembered the villagers attacking me, running from the village, running into Kakashi and the other Sensei's along with the rookie nine, killing Orochimaru's summon, and then passing out. The beeping was really loud now causing me to finally realize that I was in a hospital. I snapped my eyes open only to be blinded by the extremely bright white lights. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I took the opportunity to look around the room. It was empty except for Kakashi sitting in a chair with his head laid on the bed. I smiled down at him as I realized he was sleeping beside me. My eyes trailed down to where my hand was lying when I realized that the warmth on my hand was coming from Kakashi, he was holding my hand in his sleep. I carefully removed my hand from his and tore the breathing mask off of my face. I threw the breathing mask onto the floor before I looked down at my left arm and noticed the IV in my wrist. Without even thinking about it I pulled it out and threw it to the side. I ignored the blood that was now dripping off of my hand and pulled the clip off of my finger causing the monitor to flatline. I tried to pull myself up off of the bed, but fell onto the floor. The blanket fell with me, so I gripped the blanket in my hand and slowly crawled over to the corner of the room by the window. I slowly pushed the window open so it wouldn't make any noise and curled up in the corner next to it, pulling the blanket over top of me. As soon as the blanket was over my head I heard the door slam open as well as people running into the room.

"Kakashi! Wake up! Where did he go?" Tsunade yelled.

"Shit." Kakashi sighed.

"Guys...what's that?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yoshiro, you can't be out of bed yet, get back in this bed and lay down. You are in no condition to be out of bed. How did you even walk?" Tsunade sighed walking over to me and bending down in front of me.

"Lady Tsunade, the Hokage is here. Can he come in and visit." a woman asked.

"Of course."

The woman left and soon someone else entered.

"Go get everyone that was here last night, Jiraiya, you help." the Hokage ordered causing two people to leave.

"Yoshiro, come on, you need to get back in bed." Tsunade said pulling the blanket off of me and standing up.

I tensed and grabbed onto the side of the window.

"No. Yoshiro doesn't like the bed." I shook my head no.

"Yoshiro, stop being difficult, just lay down on the bed." she sighed.

I shook my head no and gripped the window tighter to try to keep myself from trembling.

"Yoshiro, we're not going to hurt you, just lay down. I won't put the needle back in you if you get back on the bed." she reasoned.

"No." I refused.

"Kakashi. Get. Him." she gritted her teeth.

"Yoshiro, please get back on the bed." he sighed getting up and walking over to me.

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