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*Yoshiro's POV*

When Jiraiya and I arrived at The Hidden Rock Village there were ninja coming from practically every direction. Ten ninja came from the right and four ninja came from the left, three of the four on the right were tense. They stared at the rehead with them in complete and utter fear. The redhead had a giant gourd on his back and the kanji for love tattooed on his pale forehead. He looked at everyone with dead, emotionless eyes and had a dark aura surrounding him.

"Jiraiya, who're these ninja?" I asked.

"Those are Kumo nin....." he started.

"Not those week ninja. I'm talking about those four. You can feel the power radiating off of the redhead." I smiled causing the Kumo ninja to glare at me.

"Those are sand shinobi from Sunagakure." he informed causing them to look over at us.

The redhead glared at us but I stared back at him with a blank expression. He looked shocked for a split second but it was replaced by a scowl.

"I'm glad you all could make it. It's good to see Kumogakure is still faithful to our treaty, ten jonin level ninja." A short man in a Kage robe smiled walking up to the Kumo ninja before looking over at the sand ninja. "Sunagakure is a slacking a bit. Only four ninja....but I've heard that you are the best they have to offer, so thank you for coming." he nodded at them before stopping in front of me and Jiraiya. "This is the best Konoha could do? Only sending two ninja...I can see where we stand in the alliance.....What level are you?" he asked looking at me.

"I'm a sannin and he's my genin student." Jiraiya nodded before continuing. "So how many samurai are we talking about here?" he asked ignoring the eye roll we received from the Tsuchikage.

"Four main members with bandits under them." he nodded causing Jiraiya to narrow his eyes.

"Only four." he said through gritted teeth.

"Excuse me?" the short, rude man growled.

"We are not going to waste our time fighting four samurai. You said this was a war, this is just a little dispute between your village and a small group of people. Why are your ninja not capable of handling this themselves. Has your village fallen so drastically?" Jiraiya taunted.

"You dare come into my village and insult my people, you may be a sannin but you will not disrespect my people and get away with it. You and your village are a disgrace to the ninja villages. You shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself ninja. My ninja are more capable than....." he started.

"Shut up. Technically, we're not inside of your village yet. We're still outside of the gates, and I know you're old so your memory may not be so good anymore but you called us here, remember? Instead of trying to start a war that you won't win, why don't you start acting like a leader and try to resolve the situation. You started the entire argument by not showing any respect for Konoha when we arrived. How can you sit here and comment about how we are disrespectful towards you and your village when you, a Kage, doesn't know how to show respect to people that were sent here to help you because you're too weak to do it yourself? The third Hokage could have said to hell with you and your stupid village, but instead he risked the lives of two of his best shinobi to come and help you with something I could do in my sleep, only for you to be rude and ungrateful because he only sent two of us. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the other villages ninja just aren't as strong as us leaf ninja? Yeah, didn't think so, your puny brain can't comprehend that much. Stop being so damn ungrateful and start showing Jiraiya some respect or we can head home and say to hell with this pathetic excuse of a village." I snapped causing everyone's eyes to widen except for Jiraiya's.

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