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*Yoshiro's POV*

I ran into the nest without thinking to see large pinkish purple mutants smashing all of the creatures that were headed for the wormhole.

I ran into the nest without thinking to see large pinkish purple mutants smashing all of the creatures that were headed for the wormhole

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One of the creatures swung down at me so I channeled chakra into my gauntlet and punched it's arm to the left so it missed my head. I jumped away from it as more surrounded me.

"Damn." I whispered as I was surrounded.

"Yoshiro, get out of there." Shinzo yelled as they all spit something at me.

I jumped into the air, dodging their spit. When I looked down I realized their spit was corroding the ground. I channeled chakra on my feet and clung to the ceiling.

"Yoshiro, be careful. You won't be able to even take one of these on by yourself." Shinzo frowned.

"We have to try to fight these things one at a time. And we have to fight them together." Gennosuke yelled.

"We can't let the rest of them get in the wormhole." I yelled causing them to frown.

"He's right. We have to try to take as many of them out as we can. They would destroy Konoha and kill everyone there." Kazuki frowned.

"Dammit. Everyone fight one but be very careful, they're very intelligent." Shinzo sighed.

I nodded and jumped from the ceiling onto one of the creatures. I channeled chakra into my gauntlet and punched the creature in the head. The creature flung me off of it and into a wall. I pulled myself off of the ground only to see a lizard like creature going for the wormhole. I ran over and grabbed it by the tail before flinging it into the large creature I was fighting. They crashed into the wall causing some of the rocks from the ceiling to fall.

"Yoshiro be careful, you'll cause the mountain to collapse." Shinzo panted as he stepped off of the body of his creature.

"Sorry." I frowned as I looked over to see Tashiro killed one too and is fighting a second one.

Reiko and Gennosuke are putting up a fight while Kazuki's struggling to get some distance between him and the creature.

"Shinzo, I think Kazuki needs help." I frowned.

He snapped his head in Kazuki's direction and nodded at me in thanks before running over to help their archer. My creature stood back up and smashed the lizard's head into the ground before running at me. I jumped out of the way right before it ran into me causing it to run into the wall. More rocks started to fall and before we realized what was happening the mountain above us was crumbling. My eyes widened when I thought the mountain was falling ontop of us but then something slammed the falling rocks to the left, breaking the entire tip of the mountain off. I looked up to see the sky.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

A creature outside roared causing the five fighting to tense.

"Yoshiro, run into the wormhole. We need to leave now." Shinzo yelled.

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