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*Yoshiro's POV*

When everyone woke up the next morning we left for the Tsuchikage's office. Apparently we're having a war meeting on how to take down four samurai. This village truly is pathetic. I walked straight into the room without knocking and Anbu surrounded me with kunai to my neck. I narrowed my eyes and pulled out a kunai of my own but Jiraiya pushed through them and grabbed my arm.

"Stop. We're already in enough trouble because of you." he sighed.

"They started it." I pouted slumping my shoulders.

"What is this? You can't just barge in here. Do you know how disrespectful that is?" the Tsuchikage growled.

"Can we get this meeting over with?" I asked in boredom.

The Tsuchikage narrowed his eyes at me but I stared at him blankly.

"This is a battle strategy meeting. The top strategists in this village will be here any minute to help us devise a plan." he explained as a group of five ninja walked in.

"Sorry we're late Lord Tsuchikage." the ninja bowed.

"Lets not waste any more time, lets go." he grumbled walking out of the room and into another room down the hall.

I walked in and stood next to Jiraiya. We stood around a model of Iwagakure and watched the five men discuss what would be best to do during the war.

"How about fifty of our best men on south, just incase a sneak attack comes from behind." one of them suggested.

"Yeah, I think that'll work." another nodded placing some blocks down at the south gate.

"That won't work, why don't you guys....." Shikamaru started.

"Listen kid, we don't need your opinion, we're professionals. Go play or something and let the grown ups talk." one of the ninja laughed before looking back at the model and continuing. "I think we should have twenty ninja guarding the civilians in the evacuation center." he suggested.

"That's not a good idea either." Shikamaru sighed.

"Listen kid, we're not warning you again. Stop commenting." another growled.

"Alright, so that leaves sixty ninja to face the north gate." they nodded as they finished their plan.

"No, listen. This plan is absurd. You have 130 ninja at your disposal and you're splitting them up into large, unequal groups of three? You should...." Shikamaru started again only to be cut off by another one of the ninja.

"Our plan is the only way we'll win this war. We're professionals, end of discussion kid." he growled.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at the five ninja before calmly walking out of the room.

"Looks like he gave up." the man smirked.

The Tsuchikage talked about something boring that I didn't listen to and Shikamaru walked back in with....a stick? He walked over to the model and pointed the stick to the group of fifty shinobi at the south gate.

"This is idiotic. Fifty men guarding one gate? Assuming none of them have any sword skills, what use will they be? This is a war, you amateurs shouldn't be gambling with people's lives like that. You may have the numbers, but it's clear that they have the strength. Numbers mean nothing in a war, haven't you read over the history of your nation? That is where Iwagakure always messes up. You think because you're bigger, you're better, but you're not. You're all incompetent fools. If there are fifty ninja here and they are all wiped out, where will that leave you? You would have killed off a large portion of your ninja, rendering Iwagakure useless once again. You are not strong, face it, you'll be useless no matter how many men you have stationed there. The enemy will get in through here and wipe them all out." he said, dragging the stick towards the gate, then into the middle of the fifty shinobi, before knocking all of their shinobi pieces over. "They'll get in through here and make their way directly towards the Tsuchikage." he sighed dragging the stick through the gate before continuing. "No one will know they've infiltrated the village because all of your men were slaughtered at the gate. By the time you did realize it, it would have been too late. Your kage would be assassinated and you would have failed your village. That is only your first mistake." he sighed before moving the stick to the edge of the mountain towards the evacuation center.

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