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*Yoshiro's POV*

After being forced to spend a week in the hospital, I can finally leave and train! Everyone else has already been training, so I need to step up my game. I was told by Tsunade that all of the jonin were busy training the genin, so I would have to find someone to train me. I jumped out the hospital window and ran to the tower to find the old man Hokage. Maybe he'll help me train. I walked through the hall until I came to a door that said. 'Keep Out.' Of course I had to go in, who wouldn't? So, I walked in to see a library. Yes, that's right. A freaking library. Nothing cool just old books and scrolls. I turned around to leave but remember Naruto telling me a story about him stealing a scroll and learning the jutsu from it.

'I wouldn't have to bother the Hokage, he can continue working and I can train. It's a win win situation.' I smiled to myself as I walked around the library until I came to a door that said 'Forbidden'.

So, what do I do? I break the lock and carefully walk into the room. The room was full of scrolls so I decided to grab a couple. I heard footsteps coming from down the hall so I grabbed some more scrolls and snuck out of the room. I hid on top of the book shelf as an anbu walked into the room. He walked around the library and I snuck out behind him. I walked to Toru and Mei's grave and sat down before pulling out one of the scrolls.

'The Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation.' I read from the scroll.

"That sounds interesting." I shrugged before opening the scroll more and reading some of the stuff it says in it.

'Binds the soul of a deceased person to a living vessel, restoring them as they were when they were alive in order to do their summoner's bidding.' I read before smirking.

"I can probably use this in the future. It says I need DNA from the person I'm trying to summon and a human sacrifice....Sounds easy enough. I'll keep it in mind." I smiled to myself as I went over the handsigns.

I looked over the handsigns for about half an hour before sighing and pulling out another scroll.

'Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal.' I read before shrugging and opening the scroll to read more.

'After the hand seals are performed, the user's soul is partly separated from their body and suspended behind them. Behind their soul appears the Shinigami, which restrains their soul with its hair. Only the summoner is able to see the Shinigami at this point. Eventually, the Shinigami wraps its left arm with prayer beads and chants unintelligibly until a appears on its arm. It then drives its arm into the summoner's soul, thus allowing the summoner to call upon the Shinigami to seal a target. Results In Death.'   

"This could prove to be useful as well..." I whispered to myself as I studied the handsigns before moving on to the next scroll.

I learned about seven new jutsu before an anbu appeared and slammed my head into the tree behind me. Before I could protest I was kicked in the face and cuffed. They drug me through the village and into the Hokage's office where he looked exhausted and irritated. The other Kage's were standing around the office nervously.

"Explain yourself Yoshiro." he growled causing the other Kage's to step back a little.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion causing him to narrow his eyes at me.

"You don't see the problem huh? Yoshiro....You stole forbidden Jutsu from the tower. What did you expect to accomplish?" he sighed in exasperation.

"Well, I expected to accomplish training myself." I shrugged.

"Show some respect freak." the anbu growled before kicking the back of my leg, causing me to fall onto my knees before slamming my head onto the floor.

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