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*Yoshiro's POV*

When Kakashi and the others came by I dropped from the top of my cage and smiled at them.

"Hey guys." I waved.

"Hey Yoshiro, how'd you sleep?" Naruto asked.

"Yoshiro didn't, you?" I laughed.

"Oh...good I guess." he shrugged.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Hey! What happened to your cage? Why is it broken? Were you trying to escape?" an anbu asked walking up to me.

"No, you need to chill. They broke it last night to save my life." I shrugged.

"Do you know what happens to prisoners that try to break out?" he asked.

"Yoshiro already told you, he didn't try to break ou......" I started but was cut off.

"We take them to the chamber below the arena. Do you want to see what happens down there?" he smirked.

"Is that a threat Horse? Ya know, Yoshiro's getting tired of your crap." I sighed.

"Do you want me to tell you what we do to people like you down there?" he whispered.

"Sure, you're not doing anything but wasting Yoshiro's time anyway." I growled.

"Yoshiro, calm down. He's trying to make you attack him so he can hurt you." Toru yelled.

"Shut up." he growled before shocking Toru.

"Stop." I growled shoving the anbu, breaking his concentration on Toru.

He shocked me causing me to fall onto my knees as he continued to fuze more chakra into the shock. He didn't even stop when there was steam coming off of my body and it was starting to create small blisters.

"Stop.." Naruto yelled but more anbu held all of them back.

"They have to be punished, they are not allowed to lay hands on us." one explained.

"He didn't do anything wrong. That guy started it." Naruto yelled.

"He's one of the most loyal anbu under Lord Danzo, he wouldn't stoop that low." one of the anbu growled.

"What's this I hear about you sneaking around, feeding prisoners last night?" Horse asked hovering above me.

"They don't deserve to be in here, Yoshiro was reminding them what it was like to have a filling meal." I shrugged.

"The reason they're in here is because they are criminals, they don't deserve the same food as us. They shouldn't even be allowed to breathe the same air as us." he growled putting his foot on my stomach.

"You're wrong. They're not criminals, Everyone here has killed people. That's what ninja do, why is that so hard for everyone to accept? They were only doing what they were ordered. How can you kill a ninja in the forest and not think you're doing the same thing these men did? The only difference is that they got caught afterwards. It's not fair to them you can't lock them up for being loyal to their leader. You have no right to treat them like this.The way you treat them is sick and it's pissing Yoshiro off. Now, you have point five seconds to remove your leg from his stomach or Yoshiro will rip it off of your body." I growled.

"You don't intimidate me. You wanna know what we do to people in the lower level everyday? We start out the day with thirty lashes, just because we can. Then after that we inject them with special drugs, to keep them awake. Most of the time after that, we shock them until their skin is covered in blisters and slowly and painfully pop each one. We feed them once every three days and give them a bottle of water every four. We use them as lab rats to test out new liquids, just to see what the side effects would be. We practice curse mark sealing and unsealing on them, because no one cares if they die....We do lots of things down there, things that you wouldn't be able to handle. It gives us a rush when we watch that spark of hope in their eyes fade away. They're all hopeful and cocky at first, but when they realize it's been years and no one is coming to save them, they give up. Then it starts to become boring so we give them false hope. We have some of our best anbu go through their memories to transform one of our shadow clones into one of their loved ones and act like they're breaking in and saving them. Only for the clone to get destroyed and have them think their loved one was murdered. It really is an amazing feeling." he laughed.

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