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*Yoshiro's POV*

I was so tired it felt like we were walking for hours before we got to Kakashi's house. When we reached his house the man that was yelling at me last night was outside talking to a bunch of people in front of his house. They all stopped talking and looked over at us when we walked by. I couldn't help but notice how they looked at him with pity before they turned their stares towards me and scowled. I tensed as their scowls turned into disgust. I was used to looking at myself like that, but not other people. I put my head down and watched my feet as we continued to walk past them.

"What the hell's wrong with him?" one of them whispered.

"I know he's so creepy. I don't want my kids to see such a disgusting creature." another added.

"It's sad that a great ninja like Kakashi has to take care of it." the one that yelled at me last night said glaring at me.

'What did I ever do to them? I can't help that this is how I look.' I thought as Kakashi stopped walking.

I almost walked into Kakashi, but quickly stopped when I realized that he wasn't walking anymore. When I stopped I looked up at him to see a scowl on his face. I looked over to see what he was scowling at and sure enough it was the men that were talking about us. Kakashi slowly started to walk up to them leaving me standing by myself. As Kakashi started walking up to them their eyes widened in fear and confusion. Some of them even ran away because they were so terrified of him.

Nakahara Hanshiro (Kakashi's neighbors name.)

"Listen Nakahara I'm not in the mood today. If you and your friends are going to run your mouths, do it elsewhere. Don't speak about my brother like that especially if I can hear you and if I ever hear you yelling at him in the middle of the night again, you'll regret ever coming home and opening your mouth. I don't care what he was doing to disturb you, I have to listen to you and your dumb ass friends yell all the time when you're drunk. You made it sound like he woke you up, we all know you were just getting home from being out drinking and hoeing around, cheating on your wife again. Don't pity me because I have to take care of him, I enjoy his company. Believe it or not, I've been happier in these last few hours than I have in my entire life, and it's all because he's home. This is the only warning you get, you better not do anything to piss me off again. Do you understand you drunk piece of shit?" he yelled causing nearby villagers to stare at them.

I saw the neighbor, I think he called him Nakahara, nod his head repeatedly, his friends looked petrified.

"Good! I'm glad we see things my way!" Kakashi smiled patting them all on their heads before turning to face me.

"Yoshiro, I didn't realize I was yelling. Sorry." he apologized rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yoshiro's fine." I smiled.

"Let's go shopping, we need some food." Kakashi laughed.

"Okay." I smiled and nodded.

We walked towards the shopping district and bought a bunch of food. I kept getting weird looks from all of the shop owners, they were watching me like they thought I was a criminal or something. It made me feel very uncomfortable. I tried to ignore them, but they weren't trying to hide it at all. Every time I would smile at something Kakashi said or did they would glare at me, and every time I would laugh they would look at me in disgust. I didn't know why they hated me so much, I didn't think I did anything wrong. I tried to ignore them and focus on Kakashi telling me about his rivalry with Guy. A few people would notice me having fun and purposely bump into me. They would shove me when they walked by me, I don't think Kakashi noticed it when they shoved or bumped into me. They always did it when he was focused on something else. I looked onto the ground and noticed my friend was following me around. I wish that he could talk, I didn't even notice him before.

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