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*Yoshiro's POV*

When we arrived back at the Land of Lightning the three people that are always with the Raikage were waiting for us with the other white haired man and C.

"Raikage-sama, you guys did it. That's amazing." Omui smiled.

"It was all him. He made us run away so we didn't get hurt." he smiled causing all of them to look at me in shock.

"This guy? He looks like he could fall over from the slightest breeze." Omui frowned.

"Truthfully, he could probably rival Killer B." he laughed causing their eyes to widen.

"Is he a jinchuuriki?" the white haired guy asked.

"No Darui, he's not....at least I don't think he is." he frowned turning to me.

"I'm not." I shook my head.

They looked at me in disbelief as the Raikage smiled and motioned me to follow him. We walked back towards his village when Itachi, Konan, and Kisame stumbled out in front of us.

"Damn, you said they were here." Kisame growled.

"They were here." Konan frowned before continuing. "Somewhere in this land anyway." she shrugged.

"Akatsuki." the Raikage yelled causing the five with him to pull out their weapons.

I smiled at the three ex-Akatsuki members, they actually did it, they left the Akatsuki.

"Dammit, we don't have time for this. We have to find your brother Itachi." Kisame growled.

"I know." he frowned.

"Can we help you with something?" I asked causing the Raikage's eyes to widen.

"Are you insane? Do you know who they are, get away from them." the Raikage yelled.

"They aren't posing a threat. Lower your weapons...please trust me Lord Raikage." I bowed.

"Fine. Lower your weapons." he sighed.

"That was a bit reckless." Itachi informed

"You look grief stricken and exhausted. You don't look like you're ready to fight anybody, especially not a Kage." I shrugged causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"I suppose you're right, but I would have fought you guys if it came down to it." he said emotionlessly still looking at the ground.

"Itachi." Konan frowned grabbing his hand.

He looked at her for a few seconds before sighing.

"I'm really not in the mood to fight so if you could let us pass, that'd be great." he sighed.

"I won't allow that. You're criminals that are after my brother." the Raikage growled.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for some people." Itachi answered.

"You're brother but why?" I asked.

"I need to speak with his jonin sensei." he frowned.

"Why would you need to do that? You don't plan on attacking them do you? This village is allied to the leaf, that would be foolish of you." I asked.

"His brother died. I thought he should know." He whispered causing the Raikage's eyes to widen.

"How did you know Yoshiro?" he asked causing the six people with the Raikage to look at him in confusion.

"He was like a little brother to us." he frowned pointing behind him.

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