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*Yoshiro's POV*

I spent all day yesterday walking to Amegakure and I finally arrived. I jumped over the gate and looked around at all of the people watching me suspiciously.

"He's here somewhere, his chakra is all over this village." I whispered to myself as I ignored the stares of the villagers and walked around trying to find him.

I looked for any orange haired man and stopped all of them that I found. I know I was being suspicious but maybe it'll lure him right to me. I continued to walk around the village when I was stopped by a villager.

"Are you new in town?" they asked.

"Sorta. Can you tell me where Pein lives?" I asked causing all of the nearby villagers eyes to widen.

"A-Are you a f-friend of P-Pein-sama's?" he asked.

"I guess you could call us that. We have business that needs settled." I shrugged.

"He lives up there. No one's allowed up there though. He might kill you if you go there." he frowned.

"That's fine by me. Thanks for the information." I smirked before heading towards his tower.

I walked towards the tower, ignoring the fearful looks of the villagers as I passed by them.

"News sure does spread fast in this town." I laughed as I walked up to the door of the tower.

'Should I knock or should I just break the door down and act like a badass?' I thought but I decided to just walk in, without breaking the door.

I opened the door and walked in to see a long hallway. I followed the hallway and peeked inside every room but couldn't find anyone.

"Pein." I yelled hoping he'd come out and face me.

"Leave." someone ordered from behind me.

I whirled around but there was no one there.

"Who's there?" I yelled looking around the area.

"Leave or I'll kill you." their voice boomed in the hall.

"Come out." I yelled pulling out my sword.

"Kinzoku is dead huh." he whispered causing my eyes to widen.

"Pein." I yelled running towards the only door I haven't checked.

"I can't allow you to pass through alive." the man said as I was kicked into one of the pillars in the hallway.

The air was knocked out of me as I hit the pillar and fell to the ground.

"Dammit." I gasped trying to catch my breath as the man stood by the door with a scythe wrapped around him.

" I gasped trying to catch my breath as the man stood by the door with a scythe wrapped around him

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"Ikk...." I started to say his name but his eyes narrowed and he kicked me against the wall causing me to drop my sword.

"I didn't say you could speak." he growled.

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