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*Yoshiro's POV*

I walked for a while, tense and waiting for someone to jump out at me as I walked in the forest by Konoha. Instead of walking on the path I used the forest next to the path as coverage. I walked for a while, listening to animals and travelers talking.

"Guy sensei, did you see that butterfly? It was so many different colors, it reminded me of my cherry blossom." Lee yelled causing my eyes to widen.

"How youthful." he smiled.

"Indeed." Lee smiled.

"Will both of you just shut up already." Neji growled.

"I'm sure Tenten's back in the village, just wait until we get there grumpy pants." Lee smiled.

"Ya know Neji, it's not youthful of you to growl at your teammates." Guy lectured.

"Shut up." he sighed walking faster.

I watched them walk away and forced myself not to cry. I pushed the emotions away and continued on my way.

'I need to disguise myself.' I frowned.

I reached the water when the sun started to go down and started walking across it to get to the land of waves. I walked quite a while when the fog started to get heavier. I could barely see where I was going but I saw a light in the distance. I walked towards it to see a boat. I continued to walk until I was right in front of it.

"Mind taking me to land?" I asked causing the two guys in the boat to jump and turn around.

"Damn, we didn't think anyone else was hunting the monster." they laughed.

"Monster?" I questioned.

"Yeah, hop on, we'll take you to land." they smiled.

I nodded and jumped on as they went towards land.

"Where are you from?" they asked.

"I'm a traveler." I lied.

"Oh, that's cool, what's it like traveling all over." they smiled.

"Peaceful." I shrugged.

"Isn't it a bit lonely?" one of them asked.

"I guess it is a bit." I shrugged.

"So you don't make many friends do you?" they asked.

"I have no need for that." I shrugged.

"You're really young. Didn't your parents want you to stay home?" one asked.

"They're dead." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..." he trailed off.

"It's fine. My mother died giving birth to me and my father died when I was just a kid." I shrugged.

"Do you have any other family?" they asked.

"An older brother but he's better off without me." I shrugged causing them to frown.

"Here we are." they smiled.

"Thanks, I would give you some money but I gave it all to a single woman with three children to care for." I waved.

"It's fine, we don't need your money." they smiled and waved before heading back out on the water.

"Monster hunting huh?" I smiled walking through the forest.

I walked through the forest and stopped at the spot we fought Zabuza in. I remember taking Tazuna home and coming back to see they were done already.

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