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A/N: Last one for today, again, I'm extremely sorry that I didn't update sooner. I hope you enjoyed them!

*Yoshiro's POV*

I walked through the Land of Stone not wanting to go back to the temple, even if they left. I didn't want the dragons to follow me around and protect me. I'm not fragile, fucked up in the head, yes, but I need to do this myself. I won't get stronger otherwise. I knew I couldn't go far though. I didn't have my disguise. I turned around and headed back to the temple finding the dragons and monks the only ones there.

"Where's my armor?" I asked.

"I'll retrieve it for you." one of the monks smiled.

"Thank you again for helping me. If you ever need any help you can send for my village, we won't charge you. I don't have the village now but when I get one, you'll hear about it." I nodded in thanks.

"Thank you Yoshiro." he smiled.

I nodded and waited for my suit while the dragon's talked with the monks.

"How long has it been since Suna shut themselves down?" Astarot asked causing me to look up in confusion.

"A few days." he shrugged.

"Why did they shut the village down?" I asked.

"I don't know." he shrugged.

The Akatsuki robe popped into my mind and my eyes widened.

"I need to get to Suna." I frowned as the monks came out with my armor.

"Yoshiro....." Astarot started.

"Stay here. Or I don't care where you go, just stop following me. I need to get stronger and you're not helping. I'll find the others, just leave me alone." I yelled throwing my armor on and running towards Sunagakure.

I ran for hours, still in the Land of Stone. I could feel the sun beating down on me and I cursed myself for running off without getting supplies. I ignored my thirst and pushed myself to run faster. I had to get to Suna to make sure Gaara was safe. That was all I cared about at the moment. He may think I died and he probably feels like he failed as a friend, but to me he's my best friend. He's one of the only people that didn't betray me. I have to make sure he's okay, I don't care what happens to me, he has to be safe. I pushed myself to run faster and before I realized it I was crossing the border of the stone and sand. I smiled triumphantly but continued running. I felt myself slowing down as I panted and stumbled around in the desert. I knew I was dehydrated but I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't have any water. I looked around for some shade but it was completely open. The sun was beating down on me, roasting me alive in my suit.

'I need to get to Suna.' I thought as I pushed myself to run again.

Everything hurt, my body was burning and I was getting a massive headache. I pushed myself to keep running but my head was throbbing.

"Keep going." I panted as my legs gave out on me and my vision blurred.

I pushed myself up and stumbled forward a bit but everything was spinning. I was burning up, I knew I was dangerously dehydrated because I was no longer sweating. It felt like my skin was frying. My muscles were cramping and locking up causing me to fall back onto the ground. The sun continued to beat down on me leaving me helpless. I felt my stomach churning but I knew I didn't have much to vomit, I barely ate anything in the past month.

I vomited the little food I had left from the priest and continued to vomit stomach acid until nothing came up anymore and I was just dry heaving. When my stomach finally calmed, I tried to push myself up but I was exhausted. I felt my heart beating rapidly as my breaths came out rapid and shallow. I felt like I was suffocating as I rolled over and looked at the sky. The sun beat down on me mocking me for being stupid enough to go into the desert without being prepared and I couldn't move anymore. My limbs were burning and my muscles were cramped.

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