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*Third POV*

When they walked into the Hokage's office he wasn't there. They figured he was at T&I HQ so they sat down and waited. Yoshiro started to stir after about twenty minutes and opened his eyes, they widened and filled with tears. Jiraiya already took all of his weapons and put chakra restraint seals on him so he was weakened. He tried to stand up but stumbled and fell back onto the floor. He shuffled into the corner and gripped his head as he began sobbing.

"Yoshiro....are you okay now?" Kakashi asked trying to push Jiraiya away as he held him back so he couldn't go up to his sobbing brother.

Yoshiro jumped and looked up at everyone in the room. His tears stopped as his face shifted from anger and sadness to completely emotionless.

"Yoshiro, talk to me. Are you okay?" Kakashi asked taking another step towards him.

Yoshiro's emotionless stare turned into a glare, his eyes filled with betrayal and hatred as he looked at all of us..

"Stay away from Yoshiro." he growled

"Yoshiro. Was it another nightmare? Talk to me, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Yoshiro hates you all, none of you wanted him here. You lied and pretended because the stupid old man Hokage." he whispered as the door opened and the Hokage came in.

"Yoshiro, we'd never do anything to betray you. We all care about you." Kakashi sighed.

"Save it, Yoshiro doesn't want to hear your excuses." he growled.

"Yoshiro, do you want to tell me your side of the story." the Hokage asked sitting down at his desk as Inoichi walked over to Shikaku who filled him in on what happened in the forest when they found him.

"It doesn't matter what Yoshiro says, he's a danger to this village, so you'll deal with him accordingly. Isn't that right old man?" he spat.

"Yoshiro, show some respect. He's the Hokage." Kakashi snapped.

"Not for long." he growled trying to stand up again only to fall once again.

The anbu realized he was trying to attack, so they jumped down from the ceiling and surround the Hokage.

"Kakashi...I want you to choose what we do with him. He's your only family, so the decision is yours. We can have him continue to live here in the village with you and have anbu watch him 24/7, banish him....anything, you choose." the Hokage nodded towards Kakashi.

"I say we...." he stopped to look at me. "Lock him up. He's a danger to the village." he finished causing the Hokage to frown.

"Kakashi-sensei, you can't be serious." Naruto yelled causing the Hokage to smile.

"Naruto, this doesn't concern you. If you can't handle it then leave. That is my decision." Kakashi snapped.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at Kakashi.

"Why would you do that? You can choose something different. Don't lock him up, if you do you're no better than this Orochimaru guy." he yelled causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"I did it because I can Naruto. He's my family not yours, I chose this because he needs to learn that what he did is not okay." he yelled.

"You're right Kakashi, he's not my family. I don't have any family, remember? But he is the closest thing that I have to a brother. How can you just throw your family to the side like that. You act like he's an object, he's a person Kakashi, he has feelings. You can't lock him up because he killed people. Aren't we ninja? We kill people, that's what ninja do. Why's it so different if he kills people? He didn't do anything wrong." Naruto snapped.

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