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*Shikaku's POV*

I walked back to the tower with an unconscious Yoshiro on my back. When I arrived I saw two of the Kages, Killer B, Inoichi, Choza, Guy and Ibiki holding Kakashi, Anko, Rin, Zabuza, Haku, Kurenai and Asuma down as they tried to stab themselves with kunai.

"What's going on?" Tsunade asked as she came walking back with Jiraiya.

"When we got here, they were trying to kill themselves." Ibiki panted holding Anko back.

"Yoshiro said that would happen, hopefully it ends soon." Jiraiya whispered.

"Speaking of which, let me see him." Tsunade panicked rushing over towards me.

I laid Yoshiro against the building causing him to fall over.

"Yoshiro." Tsunade yelled shaking his shoulders.

"W-what happened?" he croaked.

"Yoshiro, how're you feeling?" she asked.

"Everything....hurts." he whispered as she pushed him back up to lean on the wall. "Did ...I hurt anyone else?" he whispered in tears.

"No." Tsunade lied.

"Yoshiro?" Ino whispered walking out of the tower with Sakura, Temari, Tenten, and Hinata.

"Hmm?" he breathed out.

"Are you okay?" she whispered sitting down next to him.

"Mmhmm, I'll be fine." he coughed

"Umm...did you control it?" she asked.

"Nope." he frowned shaking his head slightly.

"There's always next time." she smiled.

"No there's not." he whispered before continuing. "I'm a failure." he muttered before losing consciousness.

He fell over again, this time Ino lifted him back up before he hit the ground.

"Dad, did he do that to them? What's wrong with them?" she asked looking at the now suicidal ninja.

"Yeah, he did. I don't know what he did though." he shrugged.

"How do they get out of it?" she asked.

"I'm not sure." he shrugged as Kakashi and the others shot up, pushing everyone away from them as they went on the defensive.

"Woah, calm down guys." Jiraiya said stepping away from them to give them some personal space.

"What the hell?" Kakashi panted looking around the area.

He froze and his eyes widened when he saw Yoshiro sitting against the wall.

"Is he..." he trailed off.

"He's fine. He's just unconscious." Tsunade shook her head as the rest of the genin came out.

"What happened to you guys?" Jiraiya asked.

"If you want, Inoichi can project one of their memories of what happened when they were trapped in the genjutsu." I shrugged.

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