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*Yoshiro's POV*

After talking to Toru, I turned around to see Kakashi and the others looking at me.

'Why are they looking at me?' I thought scratching the back of my head.

"What is it?" I asked walking back over to them.

"We just realized you've been talking to more people. You're opening up to people.." Kakashi shrugged.

"Oh...Yoshiro didn't notice." I whispered.

"There's nothing wrong with it...we just wanted to know why you started socializing." Kakashi smiled.

"Yoshiro doesn't know." I shrugged.

"Oh, well it's a good thing so don't stop talking to people because we brought it up." Kakashi smiled.

I nodded at him and looked around awkwardly before smiling.

"Oh yeah! Kakashi, can you tell old man Hokage that Yoshiro needs to speak with him. Just Yoshiro and him. No one else. It's really important, just tell him to come by when he's not busy." I smiled.

"Okay, but he's the Hokage. He's always busy." he sighed.

"Why, he sits at a desk all day." I asked.

"He has a lot of paperwork." he shrugged.

"Isn't that what the clone jutsu's for?" I asked causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"What? Did Yoshiro say something wrong? He just saying. He could get a lot more done if he would stop being an old fart and use some of the jutsu up his sleeve to help him get his work done." I explained.

"That's genius, I wonder if any of the other Hokage did that." Jiraiya whispered.

"Okay? So...who's gonna train Yoshiro first!?!?" I asked.

"Who should train with him first?" Jiraiya asked.

"I would say one of the rookie nine, they're the most inexperienced. They can teach him the basics of what they know." Shikaku shrugged.

"Okay...but who?" Kakashi asked.

"Sakura is smart so she could teach him the basic jutsu. Or just stuff about your chakra in general." Kurenai shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll do it." she smiled walking up to me. "Ready?" she smiled.

"Sure." I smiled sitting down on the ground. "You can sit on the mattress but Yoshiro doesn't know how comfortable it is." I shrugged.

"Alright." she smiled sitting down on the mattress.

"We'll be back later." Kakashi smiled as him and the others made their way out.

"Shikaku!" I yelled.

"What?" he sighed.

"Can you bring Yoshiro Shogi to play with Toru?" I smiled.

"So troublesome." he sighed before smiling. "Yeah, I'll bring it by later."

"Thanks! and don't forget to tell the Hokage that Yoshiro needs to talk to him." I smiled as they all nodded and left.

"Okay, first. This is the basic of the basics. What is chakra? and how does it make Jutsu?" she asked.

"Isn't it the combination of spiritual and physical energy? and Yoshiro doesn't know." I asked shrugging.

"Yeah, but it's more complex than that. As you said, chakra is the result of combining your spiritual and your physical energies. Despite being usually made up of 50:50, chakra can also have . Chakra that's made up of mostly spiritual energy is Yin chakra, while Yang chakra is made up of mostly physical energy.When you have them, you can combine them into the chakra that runs through your chakra pathway system. Then, you can transform it into a nature such as Fire, Water Release chakra, etc. If you use this chakra without natural transformation it should be Yin or Yang Release chakra which is based on the ratio of spiritual and physical energy. You can add Yin and Yang Release to techniques, every technique should be an "X Release". Finally, you release your molded chakra from your body and it's a jutsu." she explained.

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