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*Yoshiro's POV*

After I asked the dragons for that one favor they looked at me like I was insane. They stared at me for a while before the leader cleared his throat.

"We'll see, it depends on how well you do when you're helping us." he nodded.

I nodded in acceptance and looked down to see my wounds were healed. I pushed myself up and got out of the barrier before walking towards the tree where he knocked my face guard off. I picked it up and put it back on before looking at them.

"Ready?" Astarot asked.

I nodded and started to walk to the Land of Hot Water, thinking they were going to leave but they didn't. They walked with me until I turned around.

"What're you guys doing?" I asked.

"We're keeping you company." they nodded.

"People will see you with me, that's not good." I frowned.

"Why not." Astarot shrugged.

"I'm supposed to be a lone mercenary." I sighed.

"Why do you have to be alone?" he asked.

"Because that's what a lone mercenary is, a mercenary that is by himself." I sighed.

"Hey smartass don't talk to him like that." Frostilicus growled causing Raiden to laugh.

"Both of you shut up." Leviathan sighed.

We walked out of the snowy forest to be met with heat. There was a hot springs building up ahead and I smiled slightly.

"Just what I need." I whispered to myself.

I walked up to the lady behind the counter and handed her some money.

"One room, one night." I said as the others came up to me.

"What is this place?" Leviathan asked.

"Hot Springs......What is that?" Astarot asked after reading the sign.

"I don't think I'm going to like this if it involves heat." Frostilicus frowned.

"Lighten up Frostilicus." Raiden laughed sparking lightning in his face.

"Are they with you?" the woman asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Alright, follow me. Right this way." she smiled.

She led us down a long hallway and slid a door open before stepping aside.

"This will be your room." she smiled.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"No, thank you." she smiled walking out of the room.

I looked around the room and noticed the others looking around confused.

"What is it?" I asked looking around the room again.

"What is this place? And why are we here?" Astarot asked.

"It's a hot springs. I never said you guys had to come with me. You can fly off and do what you've been doing if this doesn't interest you." I shrugged causing them to frown.

"Too bad, we're staying. Get over it." Frostilicus rolled his eyes.

*Third POV*

Yoshiro nodded and grabbed a towel before undressing causing the dragon's eyes to widen.

"What happened?" Raiden whispered looking at all of his scars causing Yoshiro to tense.

"Nothing." he frowned before hurrying out of the room.

The Monster's Wish...(A Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now