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*Yoshiro's POV*

I sat at the camp patiently waiting for the dragons to fall asleep. It didn't take long for them all to close their eyes, and after a few short hours they were sleeping soundly around the comforting warmth of the fire. Realizing that now was my chance I stood up and headed towards the Land of Stone, I was sick of being followed around by the dragons and wanted to do something on my own for once. I walked for hours when the orange, pink, and purple rays of sunrise came into view, reminding me of Team 7 and our mission back at the Land of Waves. I quickly shook the memory from my head as I finally made it to the Land of Stone to see nothing but rocks everywhere. I walked up the path, a little disappointed as I expected something more than rock, to see a temple up ahead. Without giving it a second thought I began the short journey towards the temple, hoping that it would prove to be more than just rock and dust.

"Hello." I yelled outside of the door.

"Well, it's unusual for people to come here, are you lost?" a priest asked walking out of the building and looking at me.

"No, I'm a traveling mercenary, I came to see if you needed help with anything." I explained.

"Why a mercenary? That's such a sad life." he frowned opening the door of the temple, allowing me to come inside.

"That's none of your business." I rolled my eyes walking inside.

"I guess a guy like you has his secrets, it's just sad that you're forced to live that kind of life." he sighed lighting a candle.

"I chose this life." I shrugged causing him to frown.

"Would you like some tea or something to eat?" he asked.

"No. Do you really have something you need help with or are you just wasting my time?" I asked as someone barged through the door.

"Father, two more disappeared, soon we're all going to be wiped out." a man yelled running in.

"I see, I would like to ask for your help...." he trailed off.

"Phantom Dragon." I nodded.

"Alright, Phantom Dragon. It seems my monks are going missing and the ninja villages aren't sending help soon enough. More and more every day, my monks go missing. I don't know where they're disappearing to, but I think it has something to do with the ancient underground temple." he frowned.

"I accept." I nodded before continuing. "Take me to this temple. I'll deal with the rest." I nodded.

"You're a kind soul." he smiled standing up and showing me the way.

We walked deeper into the Land of Stone until the dragons ran up to us.

"Yoshiro, what the hell? You can't just run off, something could have happened to you." Nuntius frowned.

"I wasn't tired." I shrugged.

"Oh my, you have companions. Are they going to be joining you?" he smiled.

"No, they're not." I shook my head causing them to frown.

"But what if..." Nuntius frowned.

"Listen, I'm not going to get stronger if you guys baby me all the time and force me to sit back while you fight everything. I need to learn to do this on my own." I sighed turning around to leave but Astarot grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeve up.

As soon as Astarot grabbed my arm and began pulling my sleeve up I looked back at him in confusion. He ignored my confused look and bit his dragon fangs into my wrist. My eyes widened as I felt his fangs pierce my skin, my blood started to boil and a weird symbol appeared on my wrist.

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