You meet through Logan Paul~Jack Avery

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AUTHOR'S UPDATE NOTE: Okay so i'm getting a lot of comments about Zach and at the time of the story he WAS taken. BUT they have broken up for reasons I'm not going to state. His ex girlfriend found some things out and 'exposed' him. 

        *Logan's P.O.V.*

"What's up logang, WHAT'S POPPIN!" I yell into my vlog camera. "Today me and my roommate Y/N who is like a sister to me are going to the Why Don't We's boys house because I figured she's around their age so maybe she'll get along with them" I say before getting ready to go.

"Hey Y/N!" I yell from the living room.

"What?" she yells back from her room.

"Are you getting ready" I yell again.

"Yeah, I'm almost done" she says.

What Logan is wearing

What Logan is wearing

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What Y/N is wearing

What Y/N is wearing

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*Skip to car ride*

"Okay Logang, today I am finally driving my car and I know it's been a while" I say before I start driving.

*Y/N P.O.V.*

"So Logan, which one's out of the five are single" I say while giving him a smirk.

"Okay first of all I'm only bringing you their so you become friends with them not so you can go out with one of them" Logan says with an adult voice.

"Answer my question Logan" I say in a serious tone.

"Fine. Jack, Daniel and Jonah are single" Logan says in a giving up tone.

*Arriving at the house*

I'm really excited to meet the boys and to finally make some friends. I moved in with Logan because my manager made me. I'm a singer/vlogger and since Logan is also a vlogger both our manager's decided for us to live together. It's great though, Logan is like a big brother to me.

Right before Logan enters the house he gets his vlog camera and hands it to me, telling me to go into the house and just film him and the boys. I felt weird going into a stranger's house but whatever.

I walk in and see five good looking boys sitting on the couch doing vocal exercises. They all look at me wondering who the heck I am until Logan starts coming in with his in the shape of a gun pretending to kill of each one of them and they all go along with him. I start to laugh.

"WHAT'S UP MY BOYSSS" Logan yells while greeting each one.  "This is my friend who is like my little sister so if you touch her I'll kill you, Y/N" Logan says while I shake my head.

"Hi" I awkwardly say.

"Hi" they all say at the same time.

"Y/N this is Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, Zach and Jack" Logan says pointing at each one.

My eyes immediately lock with Jack. I don't know why but I can't seem to take them away from him. Until Logan irrupts me.

*10 minutes later*

"Hey Y/N can I talk to you for a second" Jack says to me, hinting we should go outside with his hands. My heart starts to race.

"Yeah sure" I say while walking outside. "So what do you want to talk about" I say trying not to sound nervous.

"Look I know we just met but I think you're really cool maybe I could out some time" he says to me.

"Yeah I'd like that" I say with a huge smile.

I hope you guys liked this imagine. This is another version of how 'You meet', so I hope you enjoyed. :)

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