Jonah Marais Imagine For Julia

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*Julia's P.O.V.*

It's mine and Jonah's 1 year anniversary of being together and I'm so excited for what he's got planned for today. I text him good morning and he just texts back good morning. Weird. I text Daniel.

Julia~ Hey do you know if Jonah has anything planned for me tonight 😉

Dani Cv~ No why?

Julia~ He didn't say anything about our anniversary or anything? 😢

Dani Cv~ Hold on

Julia~ K

Dani Cv~ He said "I don't I have anything planned today" 

Julia~ Oh...

Julia~ Can you tell him "Thanks for forgetting our ONE YEAR anniversary"

Dani Cv~ Okay

I can't believe that he forgot our ONE YEAR anniversary. I wouldn't be mad it was a month anniversary. I go to my bathroom and get ready for my day since Jonah isn't doing anything for us. I get in my car and head to the place where we first met. 

*Jonah's P.O.V.*

For some reason Daniel came over to me if I had anything planned for today. I tell him I didn't and he just sighs. Did I forget something?

A little while later, Daniel comes back into my room with a sad look on his face. "Daniel what's wrong bro? You okay" I ask him. "I'm fine. After I tell you this I don't think you will be" Daniel says unlocking his phone. "What do you mean" I ask him confused. "I was told by your girlfriend to tell you these exact words. 'Thanks for forgetting our ONE YEAR anniversary" Daniel says reading off his phone. My heart drops. "Goddamn that's what I forgot!" I yell at myself. "Jonah don't panic. I'm sure everything is going to be just fine" Daniel tries to calm me down. "No everything isn't going to be fine. I gotta go make this right" I say grabbing my jacket. I exit my room and pass by Corbyn. "Where are you going" he asks me. "Talk to Daniel" I say making my way downstairs. I get in my car and head to the nearest store and buy a some things for Julia. I head over to her place to see she's not their. "Where would she be?" I ask myself. I immediately know right away where she is. The park. That's where we first met. But not just at the park. Inside the woods area where the small little lake was. I head to the park hoping to see her their. I park my car and walk around. I look to find her car park a couple cars down from mine. I run towards the woods and look for the lake. There she was, sitting near the water just looking down the stream. "Julia! I'm so so sorry that I forgot our one year anniversary. It will never happen again" I say really fast going up to her. "Jonah how could you miss out on our one year anniversary" I see her start to tear up. "Baby please don't cry. I don't know how I forgot our year anniversary. I knew I forgot something when I woke up this morning but I just couldn't think of it. I'm sorry, I really hope you forgive me" I say holding out the flowers. She looks at me and then at the flowers. "Of course I'll forgive. I love you" she says grabbing the flowers as I hug her. "I love you so much" I say hugging her tight. After we hug I give her a kiss and we hang by the lake for a while. About an hour later, we decide to head back to her place and have dinner there. I'm so glad she forgave me. 

Hey guys! I hope ya'll enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @jjdanceagain20 so I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you have a request please message me. Bye!

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