Daniel Seavey Imagine For Izzy

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*Izzy's P.O.V.*

I'm currently in line to meet my favorite band Why Don't We. I can't wait to hug Daniel since he's my favorite. I legit had to sneak out of my house to see them because my parent's didn't want me meeting a bunch of guys. Anyways, I'm almost there to finally hug them all. 

I walk up to them and they greet me. "Heyy what's your name" Jack asks me. "Izzy" I say hugging him. "Well Izzy it's nice to meet you" Daniel smiles. My heart always melts at his smile. I go to hug Jonah and then Daniel but Jonah stops me. "What happen to your arm" he asks me when he sees the bruise on my arm. I look at him and start to tear up. "hey it's alright" Daniel says walking over to me and gives me a hug. I tell them what happened about how my parents put that bruise there and they all give me a big hug. "Here give me your number and I'll text you everyday" Daniel says pulling out his phone. I put my number in and say "you know my parent's are going to kill me later." I say as I hand him back his phone. "Why?" Corbyn asks. "Because I kind of snuck out to see you guys" I say looking at all of them. "Ooo this girl a savage" Zach says as I laugh. "Stay after the show and we'll try to work this out" Daniel says hugging me one more time. We take the group picture and I move on along. 

*After The Show*

I wait after the show just like they tell me to and I see a big security guy come up to me. "The boys are ready to see you" he says in his deep voice. I nod my head and I follow him backstage. 

"Hey Izzy" Daniel says walking towards me to give me a hug. "Okay we want you to go back home tonight and tomorrow we'll have a plan for you but right now we are going out for dinner because we are all hungry" Corbyn smiles as we all head out the door. 

We go to dinner and have a great time. Now it's time for me to sneak back in. I get to my house and climb up my tree. I open my window quietly and climb into my room. I close my window and quickly change into my PJ's. I plug my phone in and I get I receive a text from Daniel. 

Daniel😜~ Did you make it home okay?

Izzy~ I did thanks 😊

Daniel😜~ Tomorrow can you wake up at 6am so we can meet up at a breakfast place

Izzy~ Yeah sure 😊

Me and Daniel talk for a little bit and then I set my timer and fall asleep. 

*Next Morning*

I wake up at 5:45 in the morning and sneakily get ready. I change into normal clothes and sneak outside. 

I meet Daniel up at a restaurant and I greet him with a hug. "Hey Daniel" I say into his chest. "Hey Izzy. Come in and sit down. We have some news" Daniel says leading me inside. I join the table with the boys and they all look at me. "So Izzy we were thinking maybe you could move in with us. You know get away from your family" Jonah tells. "Are you serious" I look at them with joy inside. "Heck yeah" Zach says. We all laugh and I agree to that. Daniel helps me sneak back to my house and pack mostly everything up. I leave them a note in the Kitchen and their door and head out. "Why did you guys decide to help me" I ask Daniel as we get into the uber. "Because I saw it in your eyes that I needed to help and that I need to see you everyday in my life" he smiles. "Aww Daniel you're so sweet" I say smiling. We talk in the uber for a while and arrive to their house. He shows me where my room is and we hang out for the rest of the day. I'm glad I finally got to meet the boys. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @IsobelBasi  so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye! 

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