Jack Avery Imagine For Nayelie

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*Nayelie's P.O.V.*

I'm currently on my way to see my favorite band Why Don't We at Raging waters. My Mom had driven 6 hours for me to see them and I can't wait. Me and my sister are currently waiting for them to get here when the iHeartRadio people walk to me and my sister. They tell me and my sister that we won the chance to meet them. I start fangirling so hard and we chill for a little bit.

Some time later, I hear some people starting to scream. I turn to see Eben and start saying to myself "OH MY LANTA" as I film it and send it to my friends.

Little while later, I hear a bunch more people scream and see the boys. I start filming them and start to get more nervous.

*At The Meet & Greet*

I'm almost about to meet the boys when I tell my Mom to film. I go to hug Jack and say "You're so precious." "Awe thanks" he blushes. I go over to Daniel and as I give him a hug he says "Woah you give the best hugs" he says shocked. "Thanks"I laugh. I give the rest of the boys a hug and I go to walk in the middle when Jonah stops to talk to me.

*Next Day*

I go to watch the video when I notice something odd. I put it slow motion and notice that Jack was looking at me up and down. The Jack Avery was checking me out. I start freaking out and go to the Why Don't We M & B Squad group chat and tell them. We all freak out and I post it. From now on, Nack will officially be a thing. Now me and my squad are on a mission to get Jack to notice me again 😊

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is dedicated to my good friend @FangirlNayelie so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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