Daniel Seavey Imagine For Tori

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*Tori's P.O.V.*

Today my boyfriend Daniel is teaching me how to skateboard and I'm kind of nervous about it. I've never been able to ride because whenever I try I end up fall flat on my face. 

"Babe you ready" Daniel yells for me. "Yeah I'll be right down" I say from our room. I grab my snapback and head downstairs. "You ready to go" he says reaching for my hand. "Yep let's go" I say grabbing his hand. We walk outside and he holds my hand so I can get on the board. He holds my hands as we skate down the hill. "Alright I'm gonna let go now" he says. "Wait what no don't let go" I say to late as he lets go of my hands. I skate for about 10 seconds until I fall. I wince in pain from the fall as Daniel runs to me. "Oh My God Tori I'm so sorry" he says holding me. I look down to see a huge scratch on my leg. He looks at it, picks my leg up and kisses it. "Better" he says looking up at me. "Much better" I smile. He helps me up and carries me back to the house. We walk into the kitchen and Daniel puts my down on the counter and grabs an ice pack. "Yo what happened to your leg" Jack asks walking in. "I was teaching her how to skateboard and I let go and she fell" Daniel says slowly putting the ice pack on. 

Later that day, me and Daniel go to my place to hang for a bit while he takes care of my leg. I love Daniel so much. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @vicky2xo so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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