Zach Herron Imagine For Maggie

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(*Got this idea from Jake's video today so I hope you enjoy)

*Zach's P.O.V.*

As I'm driving on my way home, I decide to get my girlfriend Maggie some flowers and a cake. I stop by the flower shop and I buy a bouquet of roses.

As I head back to my car, I head put them in the passenger seat and drive to a cake place

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As I head back to my car, I head put them in the passenger seat and drive to a cake place. I tell want I would like and now I wait. As I wait, I text Maggie telling her that I'm going to be late because I have to talk to my manager. 

They finish up the cake and I pay for it and head to my car.

They finish up the cake and I pay for it and head to my car

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I get in my car and head home. I pull up in my driveway and park my car. I grab the flowers and the cake and walk inside to greet Maggie. "Maggie I'm home" I yell so she can hear me. She comes walking down the stairs and says "Aww are those for me" she says getting excited. "Of course they are" I say setting them down on the table as she comes to look at them. "Awww they're so pretty" she says referring to the flowers. "Wait till you see the cake" I say opening up the box. "It looks so goodddd" she says smiling so big. I love her smile. She walks over to me and gives me a big hug. "Thank youuu" she says into my chest. "Anything for you" I say putting my chin on her head since I'm taller than her. "I love you" she says looking up at me. "I love you too" I say kissing her forehead. She runs upstairs to grab her camera and I put it on the kitchen island. She comes back down and takes a couple of pictures on her camera and then on her phone so she can post it on her socials. I grab some plates and a knife so we can cut the cake. 

We both have a piece of cake and spend the rest of the day with each other

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We both have a piece of cake and spend the rest of the day with each other. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this imagine! This one is for @Cute6Girl so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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