Jack Avery Imagine

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this imagine. This one will have all the boys P.O.V's in it. I hope you all enjoy! :)
*Y/N P.O.V.*
I am currently on the phone through speaker with my boyfriend Jack Avery. I was driving home from dance when I decided to call him. "Hey Love" Jack says answering his phone. "Hey love, I'm on my way home I should be home soon" I say into the speaker. "Okay well get home soon I want to snuggle" Jack says as I hear him sigh through the phone. "I will I should be home any min--" I was cut off by someone hitting into my car. The last thing I remember is my car rolling with me inside.
*Jack's P.O.V.*
"I will I should be home any min--" I hear my girlfriend Y/N say just before I hear a Big Bang through the phone. I start screaming her name through the phone. "Y/N!" Zach, Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel who were just walking into mine and Y/N's house walk in wondering why I'm screaming. "Yo Jack why are you screaming" Corbyn says walking to me. "I think Y/N has been in a car accident" I say freaking out. "Let's go find her, go on find my iPhone I'll drive" Jonah says grabbing his keys to his car. "Okay" I nod rushing to Jonah's car. We are driving around following the directions on tracing Y/N's phone, we come to a corner with cop cars and ambulances. My heart sank. Right when we pulled up to the corner I see officers trying to pull someone out of a vehicle. I saw it was Y/N's care. I jump out my car and run towards the car. The officer pulled Y/N out the car and some officer's tried to hold me back. I yelled "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" They released. I run towards and look at her. Her face was covered in bruises and blood. They put her into the ambulance and allowed me to jump in. I scream to the guys saying to follow us.
*Skip to Hosptial*
Me and the boys are currently waiting in the waiting room. I keep pacing back and forth, I can sit still. I really hope my Y/N will be okay.
*Corbyn's P.O.V.*
Me and the boys are in the waiting room with Jack pacing back and forth. I stand up and walk over to him. "Bro you should sit down" I say pointing to a seat. "No I can't" Jack says waving his hands near his head. "Hey bro look at me" I say pulling his shoulders so he could face me. "She's gonna be okay, I know Y/N. She's strong and she can get through anything" I say trying to cheer him up. Jack nods his head with tears running down his face. I go back to my seat and wait...
*Zach's P.O.V.*
I lean towards Corbyn and say "Bro how's Jack?" "Not good" Corbyn says looking back at Jack. "Oh boy" I sigh. I look at Jack with sore eyes. Gosh I hope Y/N is okay.
*Jonah's P.O.V.*
I get up not being able to look at Jack with the tears in his eyes. "I'm going to go walk around a bit" I tell the boys. They all nod with sad looks in there eyes. Who could blame? I find the cafeteria in the hospital and grab 5 drinks for the boys. I pay for them and head back to the waiting room. I hand a water bottle to Daniel, then to Corbyn, then Zach and I put mine on my seat and walk over to Jack. "Hey Jack" I say as he turns around. "You should drink this" I say handing his water bottle. "Thank's" Jack says with a sore throat. His face is red from crying a lot. I pat him on the shoulder and walk back to my seat.
*Daniel's P.O.V.*
I see Jonah hand Jack a water bottle and walk back to his seat. I put me, Jonah, Zach and Corbyn in a group chat on my phone and type.
D~ do you guys think Y/N is going to be okay? All the boys look at their phones and look at me
C~ I sure hope so
J~Yeah me too
Z~ same here
D~ me also
We put our phones has the doctor comes into the room. "For Y/N" he says looking at his clipboard. "Yes" Jack immediately looking at the doctor.
*Jack's P.O.V.*
"Yes" I say immediately looking at the doctor. "How are you related to her" the doctor asks. "I'm her boyfriend. Is she okay? How is she?" I ask folding my hands together. "She's going to be fine. But she does have many injures" the doctor says looking back to his clipboard. "Like what" I ask. "She has some fractured ribs, scrapes running against her chest and arms, and a concussion" the doctor says. My heart sank for like the hundredth time today. "Can we go see her" I ask with hope in my eyes. "Of course" the doctors say's opening the door and leaving the room.
*Y/N's P.O.V.*
I wake up not knowing where I am. I lean up and this is the view I get.

I try to sit up but my whole torso hurts

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I try to sit up but my whole torso hurts. My head hurts like I got hit by a truck. Oh right... I did. I look around hoping Jack would be here but he isn't. A few seconds later I hear footsteps running down the hall. All of a sudden my hosptial door opens and Jack run's in. I flinched for a second but then reach my arms out to hug Jack. It hurt  a lot just pulling my arms apart. I look at his face and it's red with tears. He gently puts our head's together as we kiss. "Are you okay" Jack's says gently putting his hands on my face. "If I said yes would you believe" we laugh together. "Hey Y/N, how are you feeling?" Corbyn asks walking in with Daniel, Zach and Jonah trailing behind. "Could be better" I say while smiling at Jack and back to the boys. We chat for a bit and the doctor comes in saying he wants to keep me over night. "I'll stay with you tonight" Jack promises. "Aw you don't have to" I say putting my hand on his. "Yeah I do" Jack smiles. "Y/N he was going crazy without you today and it was only a few hours" Daniel says to me. I smile at Jack. Gosh how did I get so lucky.
*The Next Day*
It was early morning when the doctors said I could go home. Jack helped me dressed since it was kind of hard for me to move.

After Jack helps me get dressed I grab my overnight bag that Zach had brought and I go to sign out of the hospital

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After Jack helps me get dressed I grab my overnight bag that Zach had brought and I go to sign out of the hospital. I'm so thankful Jack was here.
I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! I know it's not what I usually write but here you go. If you have any suggestions or request leave me a comment below or message me. Bye! :)

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